Yuusha-sama no Osananajimi to Iu Settei no Make Heroine ni Tensei shita no de, Chougoushi ni Job Change Shimasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

May 3, 2019
Everyone here keeps sympathizing with the Hero (and i get it too) but Laura's reason is justified. If I were there, I wouldn't want to end up like some pitiful character too. Laura's her own person and she doesn't deserve to be only seen as "Lukas' potential partner."
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 20, 2019
Awww Lukas is so cute here.. poor boi :((
But too bad... your Journey makes you such a typical RPG MC of forgetting their childhood friends.. :((
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
Lukas was a videogame character, not a human. He did nothing wrong yet, and since he is a living human now he can choose a different future for himself. Please don't "he was a jerk in the other timeline" me, bros. lol
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2019
I'm a simple person.
I have always loved the childhood female main character.
But with 100 Harem rom-com series, over 98 series the childhood female main character loses. => Which makes me always side with the childhood female main character.

People pity Luka but I pity Laura instead.

I wonder why people even pity Luka. Worse they even blame Laura.
He had already "betrayed" Laura, you know? (male adult time)
Meanwhile, all Laura did is just "not taking a walk with him".

You know what, in real life, even with someone you really love like: your lover, your beloved son, etc. sometimes you still refuse to take a walk with him and want some private time, right?
He is such a spoiled brat if he wants people to play with him regardless of their will. (boy time)
If he is a good boy, he SHOULD smile so that he won't make people worry.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2020
omg theyre all so baby 🥺🥺🥺

i swear if theses softies get hurt, i AM FIGHTING
Aug 26, 2019
@FgoSegul first of all if she does, it’ll be hard for her not to fall in love with him. Second, that’ll further solidify them being a “set” in the eyes of the village which would make it hard for them to be friends in the future or make it hard for the hero to visit the village again in the future since it’d be super awkward, which is probably something she doesn’t want to experience either. Third, if they do become a “set” in the eyes of the village, she’ll be defined by the others as just that and just as we’ve seen with the other girls, it’s interfering with her other relationships.

Though yeah, it is a bit sad seeing her being mean to the male lead but having her whole world revolve around him is a bit unfair to her and she should be allowed her own life outside of him.

@Riri I think it’s a good argument to say that he is human now and therefore things will change since he can think for himself but the way I see stories like this is that they’re written with personalities that make them choose whatever happens in the game. Which means, it’s true that he’ll save the world to protect Laura but then it’s also true that after everything he went through with the heroine, he fell in love with her.

Basically, everything will be the same since he and the character in the game are still the same person with the same personality and will choose the same if given the option.
Aggregator gang
Jan 22, 2018
This reminds me of sono me something, honesty. But the situation is the role is reversed and the MC is still a kid.

So based on the spoiler, why would he do that though?
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
@siscon can you be more specific on your question? If its about
going back to the village halfway of the game, probably a subquest of some sort? I apologize, since again, I spedread, but MC just mentions the Hero will need the basic alchemy/potion making skill later on (either to save money or for plot purposes)

Edit: Actually, let me add that
the visiting the village event is what made the MC and other players of the game realize that the childhood friend wasn't the heroine. Basically, if you were the player, you'd assume he'd also go and see the childhood friend after going home but apparently, that wasn't the case, and MC and the gamers realized the hard way that Huh? So she wasn't the heroine? What were the developers plan with her then? I'm not even sure if this is before he met the true "heroine"


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
Problem with these guys is if you chase them, they fall in love with someone else.

If you pull back, they fall in love you with. What a heroic pain :/
Feb 17, 2019
Whatever reasons explained later she made a bad decision to immediately distance herself right now. Should've atleast thanked him spent some time then slowly separated. Cause now he's gunna be stunted, unless she gets the powers the world is kinda screwed.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2019
Everyone knows heroes are suckers for hard to get types. The more distance she puts, the more determined Lukas will be.
Mar 7, 2019
Thanks For Your Hard Work!!! ♡♡♡ Can't Wait For More!! ♡♡♡ And Stay Safe!!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
@Isekailoverrr Really good points. To me it's just that people are missing the mark saying that "Lukas did X and Y in the other timeline". What timeline? The game with fictional characters? It's unfair to talk about other timeline when there is none. I root that they can be together in the end, but if no it's ok too, as long as they're both happy.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2018
The villagers (well mainly the adults) are annoying. The sooner MC left the village, the better. I don't like the hero, so I don't care if he is hurt by her distancing herself away from him. He did hurt original host's feeling anyway. Since there is a romance tag, does that mean there will be a different ml in the future?
Apr 6, 2019
That's my girl! Think about your happiness first and then come your family friends and loved ones, thinking about yourself and future is not selfish act it's the most basic thing, cuz if you don't know how to look after yourself you can't make anyone who cares about you happy, and this is just my opinion but if someone give his/her all for other with no expectations and sacrifice his/her feeling to please someone else and hid in the corner to cry alone (especially the FL who knows already the outcome of her relationship with the hero), they're just a retarded and masochist
Thank you for the chapter ♥♥

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