look at cover 1 from this and cover 2 from the other, it's quite blatant...Am I trippin or did my guy just recycle and reuse the same ahh characters and story from his other manga?
He will never leave this village. He is doomed to be unable to keep his dick in his pants.Let's see how long this hero's SCHTICK can keep up.
Puns aside, I hope it's not a single-gag infinite loop manga.
The pre-serialization one hinted at actual plot in chapter 6.5.
Porn with story > just pornThe more main page favorites I read the more I realize that the manga industry is aimed at horny 13-year-olds, too shy to watch actual porn.
aaah tats why....... is tis the serializedd version or whatt?? i digg the short ver more rather tha tis full page chapz...Am I trippin or did my guy just recycle and reuse the same ahh characters and story from his other manga?