Haha,my bad....thanks for letting me knowOne small comment I want to make about the translation is that i think “Chronis” should be “Chronois”, but that might just be because im used to how the wn and ln spell it.
my 2 cents theory:and what was the point of all of this in the end, to test him? is the guy who met and befriended strongest people in the world and survived near death experiences supposed be scared of some thugs,
or is this test to see if he is pushover enough to completely forgive Alice
to top it all off we finish chapter with stupid misunderstanding , I waited how much for this, really disappointing,
nothing against tls tho, great job thank you very much
she was using valve time's "today", as expectedFor a time god, she sure showed up late.
Time to commit sudokuI made a mistake by typing phantom king instead of phantasmal king, sorry about that
Even worse, you mistyped Kaito as Kiato once on page 6! I hope you feel bad about it!I made a mistake by typing phantom king instead of phantasmal king, sorry about that