Zeikin de Katta Hon - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Three Billy Goats Gruff Large Print

Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
Doing things like this, reading aloud. In the best way possible to children is really a wonderful experience, not only for yourself but also for the children too.

I always love the idea of being the very person, who creates a memory for children to look back and say "Oh, I remember those days!" with a big smile on their face.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
I want that mask. Guess i should try crafting an animal head mask sometime.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2020
When I grew up, I had this fairytale read to me, and I have also read it to kids later. But it was not this vanilla version. The original is a traditional Norwegian fairytale collected by Asbjørnsen and Moe about 200 years ago. It's their most internationally popular tale, probably because it's short and well suited for reading to children, especially if you make the effort to act out all the roles.

The original is a bloody affair, and children love it because it's a bit scary. That's why I was surprised by the version here. I looked up some English versions and there really are some horribly watered out ones, but also some closer to the original but with more old-fashioned language. Seems like the newer versions are the sanitised ones, no surprise there (sigh).

I had to make an effort myself, so here is the big billy goat:
"Come up here! I've got two spears,
I'll poke your eyeballs out of your ears!
Besides I have two heavy stones,
With those I'll crush your body and bones!"

In a few decades we'll probably get a version where the goat and the troll hug each other before walking together to the summer farm to graze (the troll being vegan of course).

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