Dungeon ni Hisomu Yandere na Kanojo ni Ore wa Nando mo Korosareru - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

Double-page supporter
Dec 27, 2018
It's quite entertaining to read so many people talk about the guy being stupid. It's like a "look at me, I'm the one who's actually stupid" declaration. Because when you actually think about it, everything the MC is going through make sense.

Everything he's going through doesn't make sense when he could've made another choice when he had the option. MC did not have to keep going to the treasure room and keep springing the trap. Factor in, in order to do that he had to keep dropping into the spike trap with the hope that he'd land right each time.

It's entertaining to read so many people talk about people who think the MC doesn't show decent intellect. It's actually "look at me, I'm the one who's stupid" declaration maybe because you're the one who doesn't question anything and you're just easily entertained. Which is fine.

When people then point out that oh, the manga doesn't give enough information....it's another own goal. It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate what he's doing by testing skills. Does one really need to be spoonfed everything that happens and everything the MC is thinking?

But MC doesn't really show much of his thought process in nearly anything. MC acted impulsively most of the time. About the only two things he showed any thought process in was somehow magically managing to land in the spike trap just right so as not to die and then continuing to go to the other treasure room trap and continously springing that to learn about the other skills.

Also, a story that hides information for....reasons...can be either good writing if the author manages to do it in a way that makes sense to the story and keeps you wanting to learn more about the world, etc. Or it could be done in a bad way where the author makes characters, etc. seem nonsensical within the rules of the world the author's building.

The best was someone commenting the MC is stupid for....not going crazy and losing his sanity? Huh? I think some of you are bandwagoning so hard on this "MC is stupid" train, you're just copying talking points you don't even remotely understand....

I agree that @Outflanks10 made a good point. But to act like everyone who comments on MC's lack of intelligence are "bandwagon jumpers" when some of us explained our reasons is disingenuous.

And don't ask me why I replied to you among all the others who complaiend about people calling MC stupid...I just got the urge to do so.

To answer this questions :
  1. Yep, indeed. And he will won't do it. He doesn't have a clue of how it works, and it's never mentioned since where I am in the book.
This is a bad response to my issues, which weren't questions by the way, they were issues that I had with MC's reasoning in the story. But, this is a bad response because I said he could've investigated that skill, but chose not to and chose to impulsively keep moving forward. There was a moment where MC had a break after falling into the spike trap successfully and not dying where he was in a little tunnel and he could've took that moment to collect his thoughts and investigate the save & reset skill some more. He chose not to. That's one of my issues with his intellect.

2. There is a misunderstanding here about the 500+ death. First, it's a count he started after a few deaths already, and sometimes he loses it, so it's an approximate number. And it's a count that take everything. Not just the chest area. That includes the part where he was fighting the first bear and when he tries avoiding the trap. And since he reloads in front of the first bear each time, he still dies from it or from a bad reception after his jump before arriving to the chest area too.

The approximation of the death number is a minute issue to the overall problem I was critiquing. In that total amount of deaths, MC kept using several skills over and over again, which is admitted in the story. For example, at the beginning of chapter 3, it shows he used accelerate multiple times ineffectively against the treasure room trap.

3. He did, but he couldn't. He only had one corridor after the first bear that end up with a cross path with a dead end on one side and a trap on the other side that he just don't jump far enough to avoid and trigger each time. He tries finding an issue in the chest area, but the only door is sealed. He assumed that this is a test or a trap, and he couldn't escape without fighting the 10 bears.

In chapter 1, you see that after he manages to punch the bug bear in the face and run away, that he makes a turn down a path where he finds some junk. The bug bear gives chase, MC runs off and turns down another path where he springs the spike trap. The author (or it's a translation issue) has MC say that he can only move up to that point, but we see there's more corridor in front of the trap AND MC knows which stone springs the trap. Instead of trying to get around the trap without springing it, he instead never went beyond the spike trap in that corridor to find anything out. He kept purposefully springing the spike trap and jumping into it to follow the path to the treasure room trap.

He did lack basic strength for the martial art. He didn't have the physical enhancement skill anymore, since his skill reset after reload. What he uses was his own version of physical enhancement that he learn to uses after multiples tries and error. He started to understand how the skill work and tries to mimic it, to some extends he success.

Every skill MC uses in the treasure trap room is from the treasure. He didn't have any physical enhancement skills nor did he gain any from learning them. I saw no evidence in the story that he retained the skills from each reset. If that was the case, he should had long ago defeated the bug bears in the treasure trap room with stealth, acceleration, physical strengthening, and body strengthening along with all of the other skills he likely acquired and the author didn't cover in the 500+ resets. In chapter 3 when you see him using martial arts, and again this could be a MTL issue, it says he used two physical enhancement skills: physical strengthening and body strengthening. While he was using martial arts, he was using one of those two skills.

He tries 2 physical enhancement skills, one that gave all power to one party of his body and one that add more overall. He remembers the sensation and mimic it. But the skill itself give him a real boost of strength, while all he can mimic is how to manage what strength he has right now.

Is this all speculation or are you getting some of this from the novel? None of this is in the manga. The only thing he says in the manga about physical strengthening specifically is, and I quote: "Like I thought, "physical strengthening" is pretty good...attack, defense, and jumping power -- all these abilities greatly improve balance."

I'm not seeing anything about him remembering the sensation and mimic it, etc.

He abandons the martial art for strength management purposes, he understood how much point he needs to upgrade the skill and know that he didn't have the stamina to keep up. A lot of skills could have been the solution, but he lacks the strength and stamina to keep up each time. He abandoned acceleration skill for the same reason.

Again, are you getting some of these statements from insight in to the novel or something? All the manga shows is that he gave up after he saw that it would take 100SP to level up physical strengthening to level 2 when he thought he could level up with each kill. That's it. He says, and I quote from the manga: "Huh?" "100 SP..." "So it's 12 SP for each one...100 SP...I'd have to defeat almost all of them...it's impossible..." And he quits and lets himself be killed.

This is faulty logic because in order to get out of the trap altogether he has to defeat all of them (or escape), either way.

The provoke skill made the bear attack or charge at the protagonist blindly. It's not that the bear suddenly become stupid, the protagonist put himself in front of walls or other bear to make them fight each others and hurt themselves. And he didn't win the first try either. But he clearly sends more bear to heaven, way more easily than any other's skill until now.

I'd argue they became stupid. It's a contrivance for the plot because the author wanted to give the MC provoke and use provoke to get him out of the situation. And explain to me how a wall killed a bug bear who MC said high level adventurers have a hard time defeating? It's so bad that in one panel you see MC at the bottom and all of the bugbears are just attacking each other as if they can't see him.

And yes, he won the first time he used provoke. According to the manga this was attempt 510. At the end of him using provoke to magically kill all of the bugbears by having them hit each other or run into walls, MC cheers and the narrative says that "Around attempt 510...I conqured the treasure room that spawns 10 bugbears."

Now, if you're reading the novel or something and it's giving more detail, that's one thing, but I only have the manga to go off and these are the things the manga showed.
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Fed-Kun's army
Mar 15, 2019
As the supreme hater of this manga it is my first question to ask...


What the actual hell is happening in this image? Bro is supposed to be getting hit from the back but the attack is drawn like it was a hook punch and his face is facing the same direction as the punch...which unless he got hit in the face (And thus the Bugbear should be in front) shouldn't be the case. What kind of punch hits you, twists your head but ignores velocity and physics? Mangaka-san! What is this!? ANSWER MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Also why did it take him several hundred attempts to try a new ability? I'm sure he can't see what they do but my dude, learn to experiment after death 30.
probably because he was trying the skills that actually seemed useful in that situation. Something like Provoke doesnt seem good on the surface. Trying to sneak past them with stealth, or kill them with strength and speed and trying all the ways he can with those make more sense.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2023
This guy is so dumb I almost don't want to continue reading...what kind of fucking idiot doesn't try something new after 10 tries? Not to mention, how dense are you to assume "S rank is best" without ever trying any other S rank skill at the very least? I mean, if the main character's stupidity is relevant to the plot and he changes the that's fine I guess
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018

There's questioning the plotholes and then there's nitpicking to make yourself seem cleverer.

I don't think this guy is a genius, but he's not a retard either. He's a normal guy. In a situation jes never been in, never fought in his life, clobbered to death repeatedly.

It's totally unrealistic for him to do ANY of the things you mention....at least as easily as you imply. If you ask me, what's stupid is the fact that he took only 500~ tries to get here, and it's also unrealistic that he catches on so quickly and built a routine he can actually remember and perfectly follow through to get to the treasure room. The author hints that they are aware of this by inserting a part where he slips his concentration and fails a few times. I honestly think his focus is still herculean.

That same focus can be an explanation for why he doesn't say, go down another way. Even then, I find it especially nitpicky and pedantic....you're supposing alternatives that are not shown clearly in the manga. Perhaps he already tried? Perhaps it's not as navigable as you think? Perhaps that's the author's mistake then, to show other corridors?

Why does he repeat using the same skill a few times before changing? Oh I don't know....maybe because only an idiot assumes they used it perfectly correct the first time or even second time. I can smell that typical keyboard warrior mentality right there, "everything I do will be perfect the first time if I just know how".

I do question what's going on. But there's a difference between questioning and just bandwagoning on useless nitpicking. That's the real stupidity around here.

As I said before, if be surprised if people weren't catatonic on the floor at just a few dozen tries. I don't think this series is realistic at all....but at least I'm not assuming some gamer/internet warrior level of imagined self-fortitude, saying the guy is stupid for not trying everything out in a clean, safe, potato chip stuffed gamer scenario where it's not really you facing death in the face.
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Double-page supporter
Dec 27, 2018
There's questioning the plotholes and then there's nitpicking to make yourself seem cleverer.

So, giving reasons backed up by evidence from the story is nitpicking?

I don't think this guy is a genius, but he's not a retard either. He's a normal guy. In a situation jes never been in, never fought in his life, clobbered to death repeatedly.

Normalcy went out the window for him after the first death and resurrection. It further ran away from him after subsequent deaths and resurrections. If dying and resurrecting is normal to you, then before that, MC lived in a world with magic, monsters, and game-like skills. None of that is what we'd categorize as "normal." Ok, to be fair, I get what you're trying to say and quite frankly, I feel this is a weak argument against criticism that's often given when a MC's decision making is called into question. I've seen it countless times. So, my point does stand. Sure, some of these characters start out as what you might want to argue is "normal" for their world until they meet the abnormal. A good writer would show a character growing to adapt to the abnormal so the "they're just a normal person in a unique situation" will fly out the window real fast at some point during the story.

Keep this in mind as I continue. But let me add this, after the first 10 or so deaths, as I implied, a smarter "normal" person would likely be thinking far more strategic in an attempt to minimize the death experience as much as possible. From what we saw, MC did not do that.

It's totally unrealistic for him to do ANY of the things you mention....at least as easily as you imply. If you ask me, what's stupid is the fact that he took only 500~ tries to get here, and it's also unrealistic that he catches on so quickly and built a routine he can actually remember and perfectly follow through to get to the treasure room. The author hints that they are aware of this by inserting a part where he slips his concentration and fails a few times. I honestly think his focus is still herculean.

That same focus can be an explanation for why he doesn't say, go down another way. Even then, I find it especially nitpicky and pedantic....you're supposing alternatives that are not shown clearly in the manga. Perhaps he already tried? Perhaps it's not as navigable as you think? Perhaps that's the author's mistake then, to show other corridors?

It's totally unrealistic for him to do any of what I said in the 500+ attempts or repetitive steps the MC took? Really?

I think, and forgive me for the upcoming assumption and it could be wrong, but I think for those of you who are defending against those of us who call MC's intellect into question are doing so because some of the concepts may be out-of-sight-out-of-mind to you. Let me put it this way. MC took 500+ life & death experience of repetitive attempts at the same exact thing with minor variations to get to one, what really seems like a lame author forced success. I think that because most of you who are on the defense team weren't forced to watch those 500+ attempts of MC choosing a lot of the same exact things he did in the previous attempt which all led up to his death is the reason you can't understand why some would question his intellect. You're mainly focusing on the minor variations such as "Oh, he repeated those steps because he had to get to the treasure room to try another skill to see if that works." Which you completely miss the point that's part of the problem.

Let me put it better this way. Imagine if you will, that you're forced to watch a person throw a slippery substance against a wall 500+ times to see if it sticks. Sure, in those 500+ throws, there will be minor variations. The slippery stuff will hit the wall different ways, the thrower will throw in different ways, etc. You'll eventually start questioning the intelligence of the person, the reasoning behind the whole thing, and why they didn't try another substance, etc. I mean, if you don't, someone may come along and ask you how long you've been there, you say you've watched them throw that stuff against the wall 100's of times only to meet failure, that person would likely question the intelligence of both you and the thrower.

But this is nitpicky and pedantic? I mean I gave reasons directly from the story. I didn't go out of my way to speculate in-between explanations for why MC made the choices that he did. I understand the author forced this. I implied that a few times. That the author is going to do this because the author wants MC to get a certain build. That much was/is evident by the author choosing a silly skill like "provoke" to make MC win the day in this situation. "Perhaps he already tried?" Perhaps he did, but as I said, the problem your side is having is that the author fast tracked most of this and chose to summarize the in-betweens. And even if the author didn't, I think if he showed all of the in-betweens and showed MC still choosing the same paths that lead to mutliple deaths, even people on your side would start to question the choices because they'd be put in front of your face.

Yes, as I said earlier to Kingdo, the author did show there was a path beyond the spike trap. So, for me, that's where the problem really starts. From what we were shown in the manga, the MC choose 100's of times to ignore that path and keep going to the treasure trap where he knew he was most likely to die. Full stop.

Why does he repeat using the same skill a few times before changing? Oh I don't know....maybe because only an idiot assumes they used it perfectly correct the first time or even second time.

I mean sure. It's expected he'd try it a couple times. 10's? 20's? 100's? At some point a "normal person" you know, that was your earlier defense, but a normal person would think to themselves "Man, dying sucks, let me do everything in my power to minimize that. Maybe going to this trap room to get a skill just ain't it right now. Let me see what else I can do to PREVENT MYSELF FROM GOING THROUGH THE AGONIZING PAIN OF DYING MULTIPLE TIMES FOR NOTHING."

I mean where did I say I expected him to use the skills perfectly? Nowhere. Where did I say I expected him to do anything perfectly? Nowhere. You can question someone's decision making without expecting perfection. It's not that hard.

I can smell that typical keyboard warrior mentality right there, "everything I do will be perfect the first time if I just know how".

Sure, I realize I replied to you out of impulse and returned your snark with snark, and my final line probably rubbed you the wrong way. Cool. I will embrace that. But two can play this snark game. "I can smell the typical teenager who can't deal with criticism right there. 'Everything you criticize is irrelevant because I can't take criticism of anything I like so I will fly off the handle and complain about criticism. I don't like criticism so, let me show it by criticizing."

...useless nitpicking...

As I said before, if be surprised if people weren't catatonic on the floor at just a few dozen tries. I don't think this series is realistic at all....but at least I'm not assuming some gamer/internet warrior level of imagined self-fortitude, saying the guy is stupid for not trying everything out in a clean, safe, potato chip stuffed gamer scenario where it's not really you facing death in the face.

I can agree with your statement about your surprise that he's not catatonic after multiple deaths, but after that you assume too much about why someone might question MC's intellect. None of what I've brought has anything to do with some "gamer/internet warrior level of imagined self-fortitude" and if you want to have a genuine conversation with someone, you might want to drop the internet level insults while trying to insult them for talking to you on the internet with assumptions that they are typical internet trolls or gamer dudes or whatever. To be fair, I realize that I likely set you off with replying to your snark with snark and my final line in my reply to you and that's why you're reacting this way. So, I take as much blame in that as well.

Still, a lot of what I said just takes critical thinking skills to consider the issues with the story, and most of it is not even half of the problems with a story like this. I just listed 3 and went into minor detail. You barely dealt with those.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
Is this all speculation or are you getting some of this from the novel?
It's from the novel. Not everything is translated, you can find it on Novel update.
Now, if you're reading the novel or something and it's giving more detail, that's one thing, but I only have the manga to go off and these are the things the manga showed.
I just try to give information that the manga left out in the adaptation.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
So, giving reasons backed up by evidence from the story is nitpicking?

Normalcy went out the window for him after the first death and resurrection. It further ran away from him after subsequent deaths and resurrections. If dying and resurrecting is normal to you, then before that, MC lived in a world with magic, monsters, and game-like skills. None of that is what we'd categorize as "normal." Ok, to be fair, I get what you're trying to say and quite frankly, I feel this is a weak argument against criticism that's often given when a MC's decision making is called into question. I've seen it countless times. So, my point does stand. Sure, some of these characters start out as what you might want to argue is "normal" for their world until they meet the abnormal. A good writer would show a character growing to adapt to the abnormal so the "they're just a normal person in a unique situation" will fly out the window real fast at some point during the story.

Keep this in mind as I continue. But let me add this, after the first 10 or so deaths, as I implied, a smarter "normal" person would likely be thinking far more strategic in an attempt to minimize the death experience as much as possible. From what we saw, MC did not do that.

It's totally unrealistic for him to do any of what I said in the 500+ attempts or repetitive steps the MC took? Really?

I think, and forgive me for the upcoming assumption and it could be wrong, but I think for those of you who are defending against those of us who call MC's intellect into question are doing so because some of the concepts may be out-of-sight-out-of-mind to you. Let me put it this way. MC took 500+ life & death experience of repetitive attempts at the same exact thing with minor variations to get to one, what really seems like a lame author forced success. I think that because most of you who are on the defense team weren't forced to watch those 500+ attempts of MC choosing a lot of the same exact things he did in the previous attempt which all led up to his death is the reason you can't understand why some would question his intellect. You're mainly focusing on the minor variations such as "Oh, he repeated those steps because he had to get to the treasure room to try another skill to see if that works." Which you completely miss the point that's part of the problem.

Let me put it better this way. Imagine if you will, that you're forced to watch a person throw a slippery substance against a wall 500+ times to see if it sticks. Sure, in those 500+ throws, there will be minor variations. The slippery stuff will hit the wall different ways, the thrower will throw in different ways, etc. You'll eventually start questioning the intelligence of the person, the reasoning behind the whole thing, and why they didn't try another substance, etc. I mean, if you don't, someone may come along and ask you how long you've been there, you say you've watched them throw that stuff against the wall 100's of times only to meet failure, that person would likely question the intelligence of both you and the thrower.

But this is nitpicky and pedantic? I mean I gave reasons directly from the story. I didn't go out of my way to speculate in-between explanations for why MC made the chooses that he did. I understand the author forced this. I implied that a few times. That the author is going to do this because the author wants MC to get a certain build. That much was/is evident by the author choosing a silly skill like "provoke" to make MC win the day in this situation. "Perhaps he already tried?" Perhaps he did, but as I said, the problem your side is having is that the author fast tracked most of this and chose to summarize the in-betweens. And even if the author didn't, I think if he showed all of the in-betweens and showed MC still choosing the same paths that lead to mutliple deaths, even people on your side would start to question the choices because they'd be put in front of your face.

Yes, as I said earlier to Kingdo, the author did show there was a path beyond the spike trap. So, for me, that's where the problem really starts. From what we were shown in the manga, the MC choose 100's of times to ignore that path and keep going to the treasure trap where he knew he was most likely to die. Full stop.

I mean sure. It's expected he'd try it a couple times. 10's? 20's? 100's? At some point a "normal person" you know, that was your earlier defense, but a normal person would think to themselves "Man, dying sucks, let me do everything in my power to minimize that. Maybe going to this trap room to get a skill just ain't it right now. Let me see what else I can do to PREVENT MYSELF FROM GOING THROUGH THE AGONIZING PAIN OF DYING MULTIPLE TIMES FOR NOTHING."

I mean where did I say I expected him to use the skills perfectly? Nowhere. Where did I say I expected him to do anything perfectly? Nowhere. You can question someone's decision making without expecting perfection. It's not that hard.

Sure, I realize I replied to you out of impulse and returned your snark with snark, and my final line probably rubbed you the wrong way. Cool. I will embrace that. But two can play this snark game. "I can smell the typical teenager who can't deal with criticism right there. 'Everything you criticize is irrelevant because I can't take criticism of anything I like so I will fly off the handle and complain about criticism. I don't like criticism so, let me show it by criticizing."


I can agree with your statement about your surprise that he's not catatonic after multiple deaths, but after that you assume too much about why someone might question MC's intellect. None of what I've brought has anything to do with some "gamer/internet warrior level of imagined self-fortitude" and if you want to have a genuine conversation with someone, you might want to drop the internet level insults while trying to insult them for talking to you on the internet with assumptions that they are typical internet trolls or gamer dudes or whatever. To be fair, I realize that I likely set you off with replying to your snark with snark and my final line in my reply to you and that's why you're reacting this way. So, I take as much blame in that as well.

Still, a lot of what I said just takes critical thinking skills to consider the issues with the story, and most of it is not even half of the problems with a story like this. I just listed 3 and went into minor detail. You barely dealt with those.

I don't think you realize the irony of bringing up the you versus me snark argument. Yes, I criticize the lack of critical thought and needless stupidity of many comments here, and I imply your posts are one of them. But now you're making it into a battle particularly with me.

In order to do so, you're assuming I have a particular beef with you, as opposed to just the general view. You think you have successfully attacked me, while has riled me into further replying. Any explanations that are actually relevant, which you say makes you better than me because you're giving more "direct" examples, are hyperbolic. Like comparing what he's doing, trying various variations of use of different skills, to just throwing a ball at a wall 500 times.

And you're the one, tossing far longer rants at me for all that, with even a dip into that 'snarky' toolbox of meme use. There's some real irony here. Don't try and play it off as a 'both of us at fault' thing.

And for the record, I think it's you who doesn't know what nitpicking means. Nitpicking doesn't imply the lack of validity of information. You can be totally right, you can point out every incorrect detail. It's when you're ridiculously pedantic, inflexible, obsessed with triviality. You're a nitpicker. Lets see you get rubbed the wrong way with that.
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Double-page supporter
Dec 27, 2018
I don't think you realize the irony of bringing up the you versus me snark argument. Yes, I criticize the lack of critical thought and needless stupidity of many comments here, and I imply your posts are one of them. But now you're making it into a battle particularly with me.

I'm not really. Don't think too highly of yourself. If I'm being honest here. I think I'm talking to a kid, seriously. Because of the odds.

In order to do so, you're assuming I have a particular beef with you, as opposed to just the general view.

Obvious things are obvious. I replied to you directly out of all of the people complaining about people complaining about the MC's stupidity. I went back over my post. I said some snarky things. You replied back with snark in kind. It's not that hard to figure it out. If you felt some kind of way, that's fine. It's ok. It happens. No need to act like you didn't to try to claim some kind of moral high ground or something. It's the internet. Odds of us actually meeting or our interaction going beyond this forum or anything are abysmally low. You can embrace the reality that you more than likely got a little bit upset or something. It's perfectly fine.

You think you have successfully attacked me, while has riled me into further replying.

No, I said I believe that my approach was full of snark and that likely rubbed you the wrong way and you wrote back with snark. I was owning my behavior although I still replied with snark, although in my initial reply to you I did not try to insult you with some claims that you're some weird person behind a keyboard like a gamer who thinks they're better than they really are or something. I addressed your points directly.

Any explanations that are actually relevant, which you say makes you better than me because you're giving more "direct" examples, are hyperbolic. Like comparing what he's doing, trying various variations of use of different skills, to just throwing a ball at a wall 500 times.

I gave direct evidence from the story not "explanations" or "examples" that are "hyperbolic." I'm sure you read or, at least skimmed over my response to Kingdo. Those were directly from the story. Not made up, speculated upon, etc. No, I didn't go to the novel and add that tidbit in, either. Directly from the manga's story.

The example of throwing the ball at the wall 500 times was to try to give further explanation and insight into the problem of the MC repeating the same path hundreds of times. I simply stuck with the 500+ number so as not to go too deep into speculation outside of what the manga directly gave us.

And you're the one, tossing far longer rants at me for all that, with even a dip into that 'snarky' toolbox of meme use. There's some real irony here. Don't try and play it off as a 'both of us at fault' thing.

Yes, I write long posts. So what. Don't get me started on how people get on a forum, that's for reading and writing and then complain about people writing stuff.

Yes I used a meme. So what.

Yes, we're both at fault. I used snark. You used snark. For some odd reason you're trying to distance yourself from the fact that you did. Not sure why. It's ok. Own it. Are you trying to back peddle cause you got called out for being snarky and insulting?

And for the record, I think it's you who doesn't know what nitpicking means. Nitpicking doesn't imply the lack of validity of information. You can be totally right, you can point out every incorrect detail. It's when you're ridiculously pedantic, inflexible, obsessed with triviality. You're a nitpicker. Lets see you get rubbed the wrong way with that.

Two dictionary definitions for you:

First dictionary
verb (used without object)
  1. to be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential details.
verb (used with object)
  1. to criticize by focusing on inconsequential details.
  1. a carping, petty criticism.
Second dictionary: giving too much attention to details that are not important, especially as a way of criticizing:

Keep in mind what petty really means:

(first two definitions in the list of 6)
  1. of little or no importance or consequence: petty grievances.
  2. of lesser or secondary importance, merit, etc.; minor: petty considerations.
Nitpicking is not calling out every incorrect detail, being inflexible, or narrowminded. You're partially right about it being obsessed with triviality and a little pedantic. But to be clear, Nitpicking is calling attention to insignificant details that are only important to the critic. If you think the details from the story regarding the MC's actions around his resets and maintaining the same path hundreds of times are insignificant then I really don't know what to say at this point since those details are directly related to the entire point of the plot, thus far. Nitpicking would be like me complaining that he went right once in the dungeon instead of left, or that he went to sleep in a certain room once instead of a room I personally felt was better. Nitpicking would be me not liking that the author gave the MC blonde hair instead of black, or me not liking that the author gave him a brown outfit instead of red. None of these details have any significant relevance to the story.

Nitpicking is not someone calling attention to the author making the MC make questionable decisions. That's a valid reason for someone to feel kicked out of the story because they may not be able to relate to a character they feel is dumb. Nitpicking is not giving reasons why someone may think a character is a little dumb, if those reasons are directly connected to the plot of any particular story arc within the story unless those reasons are something like above. "I think he's dumb because he put on red pants that day instead of blue."

The problem is too many people use "nitpicking" wrongly to try to counter criticism when they don't like the criticism.
Double-page supporter
Dec 27, 2018
It's from the novel. Not everything is translated, you can find it on Novel update.

I just try to give information that the manga left out in the adaptation.
Fair enough. I don't plan to read it tho, someone here said it's more tedious than the manga. And I'm not that curious. I spent most of my time replying here on this story out of boredom.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
I'm just here for the eventual edgy kill all the villagers or whatever. Probably will be disappointed, but if he goes a slaughterin, it will be fun(ish).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
I'm not really. Don't think too highly of yourself. If I'm being honest here. I think I'm talking to a kid, seriously. Because of the odds.

Obvious things are obvious. I replied to you directly out of all of the people complaining about people complaining about the MC's stupidity. I went back over my post. I said some snarky things. You replied back with snark in kind. It's not that hard to figure it out. If you felt some kind of way, that's fine. It's ok. It happens. No need to act like you didn't to try to claim some kind of moral high ground or something. It's the internet. Odds of us actually meeting or our interaction going beyond this forum or anything are abysmally low. You can embrace the reality that you more than likely got a little bit upset or something. It's perfectly fine.

No, I said I believe that my approach was full of snark and that likely rubbed you the wrong way and you wrote back with snark. I was owning my behavior although I still replied with snark, although in my initial reply to you I did not try to insult you with some claims that you're some weird person behind a keyboard like a gamer who thinks they're better than they really are or something. I addressed your points directly.

I gave direct evidence from the story not "explanations" or "examples" that are "hyperbolic." I'm sure you read or, at least skimmed over my response to Kingdo. Those were directly from the story. Not made up, speculated upon, etc. No, I didn't go to the novel and add that tidbit in, either. Directly from the manga's story.

The example of throwing the ball at the wall 500 times was to try to give further explanation and insight into the problem of the MC repeating the same path hundreds of times. I simply stuck with the 500+ number so as not to go too deep into speculation outside of what the manga directly gave us.

Yes, I write long posts. So what. Don't get me started on how people get on a forum, that's for reading and writing and then complain about people writing stuff.

Yes I used a meme. So what.

Yes, we're both at fault. I used snark. You used snark. For some odd reason you're trying to distance yourself from the fact that you did. Not sure why. It's ok. Own it. Are you trying to back peddle cause you got called out for being snarky and insulting?

Two dictionary definitions for you:

First dictionary
verb (used without object)
  1. to be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential details.
verb (used with object)
  1. to criticize by focusing on inconsequential details.
  1. a carping, petty criticism.
Second dictionary: giving too much attention to details that are not important, especially as a way of criticizing:

Keep in mind what petty really means:

(first two definitions in the list of 6)
  1. of little or no importance or consequence: petty grievances.
  2. of lesser or secondary importance, merit, etc.; minor: petty considerations.
Nitpicking is not calling out every incorrect detail, being inflexible, or narrowminded. You're partially right about it being obsessed with triviality and a little pedantic. But to be clear, Nitpicking is calling attention to insignificant details that are only important to the critic. If you think the details from the story regarding the MC's actions around his resets and maintaining the same path hundreds of times are insignificant then I really don't know what to say at this point since those details are directly related to the entire point of the plot, thus far. Nitpicking would be like me complaining that he went right once in the dungeon instead of left, or that he went to sleep in a certain room once instead of a room I personally felt was better. Nitpicking would be me not liking that the author gave the MC blonde hair instead of black, or me not liking that the author gave him a brown outfit instead of red. None of these details have any significant relevance to the story.

Nitpicking is not someone calling attention to the author making the MC make questionable decisions. That's a valid reason for someone to feel kicked out of the story because they may not be able to relate to a character they feel is dumb. Nitpicking is not giving reasons why someone may think a character is a little dumb, if those reasons are directly connected to the plot of any particular story arc within the story unless those reasons are something like above. "I think he's dumb because he put on red pants that day instead of blue."

The problem is too many people use "nitpicking" wrongly to try to counter criticism when they don't like the criticism.
no one is reading allat
Double-page supporter
Dec 27, 2018
no one is reading allat

Ok, see below my already existing reply to DLRevan and now you. Which had you read it, you'd have seen it:

Yes, I write long posts. So what. Don't get me started on how people get on a forum, that's for reading and writing and then complain about people writing stuff.

Wonder why you're on a forum that involves reading and writing and not Twitter with a character limitation.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
Ok, see below my already existing reply to DLRevan and now you. Which had you read it, you'd have seen it:

Wonder why you're on a forum that involves reading and writing and not Twitter with a character limitation.
i was suspended from twitter for trolling
Double-page supporter
Jan 29, 2018
the death count is more inflated than the USD 😂 the author probably went "to have the MC die repeatedly until he turns into an emotionless killer is so edgy and cool" and then went so bonkers with it that MC's struggle just turned into a joke..
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2019
Survived. But of all those skills, he got useless one. One that gives him no exp. and unless he wants to be tank, he his skill is worthless.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2018

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