Rebuild World - Ch. 53

Feb 24, 2023
Yes i agree we should all shovel up the slop we get served
And yes i would still complain if the official translations are this bad too.
I'd probably still get them for free somehow anyway.
It bieng free doesn't exempt it from criticism
You have every right to complain about a translation if you paid for it.
Otherwise, except if you're also translatiing freely stuff for other people's benefit, why would you have a right to complain? You get what you're freely given. People who get free food when they starve do not complain, they know better.
You can make suggestions: "Please, next time, could you pay attention to this word or to ponctuate properly, it'll make the text easier to read", something like that.
The way you express it makes the whole difference: you suggest some way to the guy who's working freely for your benefit to improve, it'll be much more efficient than just complaining.
Or better, do it yourself.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
There's a huge difference : in both your scenarii, it's actually a company that provides you free stuff as a bait to sell you something else. Here, we're talking about people who spend quite a bit of their free time and a good amount of energy to provide you with a work they will gain nothing from, except the pleasure to have something they like read by more people.
I've done things like that for 18 years, I know how much dedication and energy it requires to do that in the long run.
You have every right to complain about a translation if you paid for it.
Otherwise, except if you're also translatiing freely stuff for other people's benefit, why would you have a right to complain? You get what you're freely given. People who get free food when they starve do not complain, they know better.
As someone who has worked kitchens and volunteered at food banks and soup kitchens to help the poor and starving for over two decades, and even been in those line-ups for food myself: Absolutely fucking wrong. Just because someone gives something for free doesn't make them immune to criticism, at all. Dedication and energy being expended does not intrinsically equal good results, either. If someone shat on a plate, then spent 20 minutes adding decor to it and presented it to you, does that suddenly make it good? No, it's still a turd on a plate! And you bet your ass that people getting free food will complain for any number of reasons; my most consistant one was hearing people complain of the lack of flavour, because an at-the-time recent mandate came down to reduce the salt used (barely any was used as is, but it meant a lot of things got changed out for low sodium variants, which dramatically changes their flavour). Hell, some of the more agitable people even threw their bowls of soup at some of the volunteers because of how much worse it ended up making things taste.

You can make suggestions: "Please, next time, could you pay attention to this word or to ponctuate properly, it'll make the text easier to read", something like that.
The way you express it makes the whole difference: you suggest some way to the guy who's working freely for your benefit to improve, it'll be much more efficient than just complaining.
Or better, do it yourself.
This is a far better response in vacuum. Critique the censure, like the people calling the translation trash and hoping that other groups snipe it, because of a single chapter's work; that's entirely unuseful.
Feb 24, 2023
As someone who has worked kitchens and volunteered at food banks and soup kitchens to help the poor and starving for over two decades, and even been in those line-ups for food myself: Absolutely fucking wrong. Just because someone gives something for free doesn't make them immune to criticism, at all. Dedication and energy being expended does not intrinsically equal good results, either. If someone shat on a plate, then spent 20 minutes adding decor to it and presented it to you, does that suddenly make it good? No, it's still a turd on a plate! And you bet your ass that people getting free food will complain for any number of reasons; my most consistant one was hearing people complain of the lack of flavour, because an at-the-time recent mandate came down to reduce the salt used (barely any was used as is, but it meant a lot of things got changed out for low sodium variants, which dramatically changes their flavour). Hell, some of the more agitable people even threw their bowls of soup at some of the volunteers because of how much worse it ended up making things taste.

This is a far better response in vacuum. Critique the censure, like the people calling the translation trash and hoping that other groups snipe it, because of a single chapter's work; that's entirely unuseful.
Funny, I do that too and for the same amount of time. I agree that the behaviour you talk about does exist but it concerns like one guy out of 20 (very often always the same well known big mouths) and strangely, the other people who get the food eat silently.
And in the end, what do you think most people will think of the ones who complain in this situation? Well, it's the same here.
Double-page supporter
Mar 22, 2023
There's a huge difference : in both your scenarii, it's actually a company that provides you free stuff as a bait to sell you something else. Here, we're talking about people who spend quite a bit of their free time and a good amount of energy to provide you with a work they will gain nothing from, except the pleasure to have something they like read by more people.
I've done things like that for 18 years, I know how much dedication and energy it requires to do that in the long run.
Thank you for being, like, the only reasonable person in these comments
Active member
Aug 24, 2018
There is 3 months gap since last chapter and yet we got rushed TL? What is going on? So many editing error
NVM, just found out that the staff is changed
Aggregator gang
Aug 4, 2019
Thanks for the translation.
You guys are so spoiled. You get free translations doing nothing, you probably never buy the official releases and you still complain?
Get a life, jeez.
Those posters worked hard to write those comments that you read for free and yet you feel entitled to have better comments to read? smdh. If you're not paying to use the forum how can you complain about people shitposting. 😉
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
There's a huge difference : in both your scenarii, it's actually a company that provides you free stuff as a bait to sell you something else. Here, we're talking about people who spend quite a bit of their free time and a good amount of energy to provide you with a work they will gain nothing from, except the pleasure to have something they like read by more people.
I've done things like that for 18 years, I know how much dedication and energy it requires to do that in the long run.
and because of that noone is allowed to point out your failures?
In that case ppl should just stop interacting with any other person, because there will ALWAYS be someone who criticizes what your doing no matter what.
Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2019
Awful work, amazing how retards will actually defend this kind of low-effort hackjob. If you aren't willing to do the thing properly, don't do it at all - anyone can MTL and read it that way.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
Funny, I do that too and for the same amount of time. I agree that the behaviour you talk about does exist but it concerns like one guy out of 20 (very often always the same well known big mouths) and strangely, the other people who get the food eat silently.
And in the end, what do you think most people will think of the ones who complain in this situation? Well, it's the same here.
If you want to try and pretend that they don't, you're out of your mind. They just don't get violent, which is different from complaining about the food, which they absolutely do.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
There's a huge difference : in both your scenarii, it's actually a company that provides you free stuff as a bait to sell you something else. Here, we're talking about people who spend quite a bit of their free time and a good amount of energy to provide you with a work they will gain nothing from, except the pleasure to have something they like read by more people.
I've done things like that for 18 years, I know how much dedication and energy it requires to do that in the long run.
As a group leader doing scanlation for the last 9 years for 110 series and 2000+ releases. This chapter sucks. The proofreading is really bad. You are right that we do it so people can read something and enjoy it but that does not mean you can set a normal quality. In the end I want to have people like to read the work but also have a fun time and not have a giant shit to read.

Too many people half ass stuff that can be great for no reason then to be lazy. Stuff like this need to be fixed by the PR and at least the QC. Even if something is free you can at least expect a decent read not this.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
Funny, I do that too and for the same amount of time. I agree that the behaviour you talk about does exist but it concerns like one guy out of 20 (very often always the same well known big mouths) and strangely, the other people who get the food eat silently.
And in the end, what do you think most people will think of the ones who complain in this situation? Well, it's the same here.
you got 3-4 people telling you the same thing more if you count reacts do the math accept that your take is flawed and lacking nuance at best.

I build you a house that will clearly fall over any minute you are not allowed to complain about the space it takes up or the danger it poses to you or your family because it's free

That is your argument heres mine.

Shitty Translation is shitty Group is experienced enough to know better it being free is not an excuse for proof craftmanship
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2023
Since the discussion got forth and back and forth and back, i will also give my 2 cents in addition to my previous post.
To all thoose "people who spend quite a bit of their free time and a good amount of energy to provide you with a work they will gain nothing from"....i got news for you....the TL's GET PAID FOR THEIR WORK.
That why they have a damn patreon-sys, so they can collect donations that are used to pay the staff; so at the end of the day your arguments are so invalid as it can be...
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
I'd be embarrassed to be credited for releasing something like this. Everyone besides the cleaner really dropped the ball here. I mean yeah it's free and all so don't have any issue with it, but sheesh take some pride in your work if you're gonna put your name on it.

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