Someone's Girlfriend - Ch. 47 - Thank You

Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2024
I’m assuming she’s moving, or sick and dying. She doesn’t want to break up with Takt because she wants him to remember her positively. She probably loves him but isn’t in love with him. and she wanted to fucc MC before it was too late, because she is in love with him. Now we’ll probably get a time skip with no answers yet because author is still trying to figure it out themselves lol
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 24, 2024
Huh? She was so pissed off when she saw him hugging Umimi behind school that she pushed him down and started french kissing him
She shows heavy jealously when any girl gets close to him, are we reading the same shitshow manga?
Didn't seem that way to me. Even after Minase asked Umimi if she liked Riku, she wasn't jealous.
Group Leader
Mar 17, 2024
At this point I'm only hate reading cuz the story refuses to actually make sense dang it... If it still goes on like this later on I'd probably just drop ngl
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Okay, legit question here because I HAVE to be missing something. Why the hell doesn't Shizuku break up with her boyfriend and get with Riku? It's blatantly obvious that they both have feelings for each other, and she obviously doesn't care for her boyfriend too much seeing that she's willing to openly cheat on him like this.
You're not missing something, that's the central mystery of the story. They love each other, they probably have always loved each other, but Takt asked her out and they became a thing. They seemed fine until something happened the week before the story began and she started getting very flirty and forward with Riku.

It's honestly not a bad setup. People back then were all NTR BAIT BETA CUCK CULTURAL MARXIST UNDERMINING OF VALUES, but there's a good core there. If the manga explored that core more, spent more time fleshing out the relationship, history, and dynamics of the three, with every chapter giving us more to dig into and understand... it could've been good. It COULD have been GOOD. There's like maybe 5 chapters of setup where we learn that Riku and Minase have kinda always had a thing until Takt barged in between them. Where we learn that Takt may have resented Riku and Minase because he felt like he didn't really get along with them as well as they did each other. That he's secretly very competitive. That he may even be a little obsessed with Riku in a lot of ways.

What's going on? What caused Minase's turn? What's Takt's actual deal? It's a good thread. It's a nice thread. It's a solid fuckin' start for a story.

THEN IT NEVER WENT ANYWHERE. We STILL don't know what happened between Takt and Minase. Riku and Minase's relationship is exactly the same as it started: they are obviously, incredibly, painfully into each other but he can't bring himself to betray his friend, even though the dude's been barely present in the story. We know virtually nothing new about Takt. We have like, a couple hints, maybe, that Takt may actually be Gar for Riku, and that a younger girl was into him last year, but that's IT. We don't know what's going on with Minase. Why's she being so forward? What's going on? She seems really sad and doesn't wanna talk about the future much. Why? We donno! WE STILL DONNO. We know a lot about Riku, and there's sure been a lot of new characters introduced, but none of the core questions have come any closer to being answered any more than they were after like chapter fucking 4.
Oct 16, 2023
A few things to unpack here... firstly, wasn't she sick like a chapter or two ago? It's been a while so I don't remember, but I'm not sure how we went from sick to sex.

Secondly, lol did he really make her cum just from nibbling her ears and sucking her nipples? Damn girl orgasms real easy.

Thirdly... why does he suddenly come to his senses when putting on the condom? He was SO into it, but then he just randomly stops and thinks of Takt. "No I can't, it would be wrong." Why? What made you stop and think that? Why did you randomly think about when you first met? This story has been a mess for a while, but this chapter is even weirder than usual.

Originally I was reading this to see what the mystery was, why Shizuko is flirting with him so much while dating Takt, but now I think I don't actually care. I'm just along for the ride, just to see how it ends, but I'm sure whatever ending it has, it won't be a good one.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
I honestly don't care at this point. I need a dead body (any dead body, even an unrelated character), a marriage certificate (with or without Takt), a moment getting caught in the act (again, with or without Takt), or at least medical papers that describe a terminal illness, something to explain why Shizuku's being so difficult instead of being outright honest and not pulling Riku's leg as well the entire reader base's. Whether or not that signals the series' approaching end, if that catalyst that drove this story from the start isn't good enough, I'm dropping it early and giving it a bad score. Until that reveal comes, I'm not even going to enjoy the steamy scenes, if there are any left at this point.
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
Alright time to drop this irritating series. Even the author has no balls to draw nipples. The ball-less mc is kinda the projection of the author. Bye.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
You know JJ Abrams would be furiously jerking himself off to this frustratingly uninteresting mystery box plot point.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
And if Shizuku tits weren't so well drawn nobody would be actually reading this.

Okay. Now explain Umimi and Takt.
Not true, I don't give a fuck about Umimi and Shizuku, both have huge tits which I am not a fan of, and both looked better when younger cause of longer hair and glasses. But the "plot" of why Shizuku tries to NTR her boyfriends with gay-for-takt MC was intriguing enough to keep me reading.

Then new girl came, best girl among them 3, and hope for her to win just gave me the main reason to read it.

Umimi and Takt is mostly simple. Umimi was in the club/something with MC, and she fallen in love with MC, but MC being the dense retard he is, he didn't see her feelings for him, while also basically only talked about Takt his best friends. His "gayness" for Takt was so strong that us readers wondered if MC/Takt are actually really gay for each other, especially that there were some additional hints for that in the "MC near dead in bed cause of flu" ark. The girl was disappointed and somehow stumbled upon Takt, her brain short-circuited and she basically asked Takt out to see if he really is as awesome as MC was always telling her. Takt accepted the offer only when he heard the girl knows MC and that she is interested in him cause of what MC was telling her about him IIRC.

Basically she asked Takt out cause of MC advertisement how good of a guy he is, cause MC himself gave no fucks about her. While Takt seems to be gay and have feelings for MC hinted all over the manga, and he gone out with her to how he himself explained "check if they could love someone else", but it failed for both of them.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
OK sorry for double post, but with this wall of texts I kinda thinks its easier to separate just answers to others, and my "stream of mind" hehe.

So after I read the chapter now: This story is kinda confusing, but also there are hints of whats happening here and there.

Shizuku seems to have a reason to "run-away", either to actually run away or cause she maybe is ill and need to go abroad for some medical help that she can't get where the story is running. The "secret" phone call could support either of those, if she has some help for running away, or going for the medical stuff. Her big luggage she has in those latest chapters kinda support it.

From early on we know she loves MC, but cause he is retarded and cause of whatever is going with Takt, she somehow ended up dating the latter. But she doesn't have feelings for Takt, she wants her first to be with MC, but with MC and their both retardation, she didn't manage to "fuck MC" before it was time to leave. He once IIRC told her that till she explain the whole thing he will not touch her, he nearly broke his rule few times, yet she told him jack shit so in the end his rule won.

Umimi loves MC, but MC basically ignored her while promoting how awesome Takt is, to the point she asked Takt out, who agreed after he understood that she is basically another "love rival for MC". Their dating failed, she stayed confused, thou nowadays she kinda straightened her "resolve" that she loves MC and wants him, to the point she is willing to basically try and rape MC, which she tried to do in bathroom once, or to SA him in his supposed sleep, when she masturbated using his hands.

New girl - nothing to say really. Seems to be the only sane character, all other can go and die like some people say, but she should survive. She is the cutest, best looking in my eyes among the 3 girls. Has brain and uses it. Got interested in MC and pursues him, without retarded manipulations, NTRing, rape/SA tries, or other stuff.

Takt - seems to be gay, and love MC, but his family seems to be some kinda high placed political people, who probably hate gay people, so he needs to suppress it. Not sure if he asked Shizuku out as a means to keep MC single and waiting for him, or his parents need him to have a girl and forced him to date someone and accepted her, or both, or she needs some financial help with the possible illness she have and the deal was to be Takt girl/wife, which she kinda breaks now while seemingly running away.

MC - retard. Can't really say much more. He seems completely oblivious to all the girls and their feelings for him. It took him years and weird dreams (from early chapters) to realize he actually loves Shizuku, dreams and wake-ups from them that actually showed Shizuku that she still has a chance to lose her v-card with him and triggered the whole story if you will. He "loves" his friend Takt to the point he basically cock-blocks himself on every single possible opportunity he has.

At this point I hope that we either get a at least satisfactory to a degree explanation of Takt/Shizuku situations, and then them 3 somehow ending in a "proper way" aka MC and Shizuku being a couple and Takt coming out with his gayness looking for new boy, or still hidding but looking for a different girl to "console his gayness" if you will. Or MC leaving the two seemingly toxic friends who play with him like a fiddle he is, and end up with Yako - new best girl. Aka either we get explanations and MC ends in a normal healthy relationship with Yako, or we get explanations and the toxic trio ends up shuffled around but still somewhat together.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Alright time to drop this irritating series. Even the author has no balls to draw nipples. The ball-less mc is kinda the projection of the author. Bye.

Author is pleased with your comment.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 9, 2024
Alright time to drop this irritating series. Even the author has no balls to draw nipples. The ball-less mc is kinda the projection of the author. Bye.
You may see nipples later when the volume containing this chapter is published so the scanlation may get updated. The official online version is censored.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2023
So he couldn't bear the guilt huh. He fucked up.
He didn't go all the way. Fucked up.
Even if he do it. He also fucked up. Give this man a break.
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