Thanks! Who is mutsu again? I hope kaya gets a happy ending but you'd think there'd be other psychic families in each town just to cleanse/exorcise the ghosts versus just letting there be more victims but guess you can't save everyone
Instakilled, damn. So Kaya's mother is trying to "make" another pyschic but probably screwed up somehow and is instead pulling a Dark Gathering, it seems.
so what I’m thinking all the first born get possessed by the soul of the priestess, and once anew heir is spawned the soul is passed, however the former inheritors still have their own souls.
what if the 2nd soul possessed child is the acclimations of every former inheritor, all those limbs representing the individuals combined.
I was thinking of this too, but chances arent that high as the others options. The ritual aim for the priestess's soul, but symbiotically speaking, it could lead towards the source of the priestess's power. It depends on how the ritual was made.
The family tree seems to have exception of the firstborn rule though.
I’ll go with assumption of
Children are named with number of their birth order, thus we get old Japanese name like Taro, Jiro, Saburo. Male might change their name when they survive long enough to adulthood.
Children who die young are not recorded, because survival rate sucks back then.
(Ebisumori family’s husband) x Ichi (first priestess?)
They have two recorded daughters, Futaba (2) and Mitsuha (3).
Either firstborn is a boy, or die too early to be recorded. This should be the generation Nana said didn’t inherit the power.
Mitsuha and her husband had two child. One of them, Sutekichi, is marked as founder of Ebisumori (different kanji, same reading). Probably Namu’s branch family. The other child’s name is redacted.
Futaba and her husband begets at least three recorded children: Shiho (4), Heita (likely male), and Hatsu (8).
Shiho continue the family. She and her husband had four children recorded (and more out of frame). One of them is redacted. Sousuke is likely male. The other two are daughters, Fumi (2) and Michiko (3).
Now, strangely, instead of Fumi, it’s Michiko who continue the lineage.
Maybe Fumi is in no condition to become priestess?
I’ll assume the redacted name in 4th generation (Michiko’s sister) is probably Funi, Ani, or something like it, implying second child.
Michiko’s daughter is Mutsu (6), Kaya’s grandma, who begets Nana (7) and Mirai.
Now, the people whose names are redacted are probably the family’s eldest daughter. Maybe something screwed up and they couldn’t continue the family.
I don’t think they need the priestess’ soul to reincarnate. They only need the power and blessing for their family’s prosperity.
Mutsu (6) ==> Nana (7) ==> KaYA (8).
The family tree seems to have exception of the firstborn rule though.
I’ll go with assumption of
Children are named with number of their birth order, thus we get old Japanese name like Taro, Jiro, Saburo. Male might change their name when they survive long enough to adulthood.
Children who die young are not recorded, because survival rate sucks back then.
(Ebisumori family’s husband) x Ichi (first priestess?)
They have two recorded daughters, Futaba (2) and Mitsuha (3).
Either firstborn is a boy, or die too early to be recorded. This should be the generation Nana said didn’t inherit the power.
Mitsuha and her husband had two child. One of them, Sutekichi, is marked as founder of Ebisumori (different kanji, same reading). Probably Namu’s branch family. The other child’s name is redacted.
Futaba and her husband begets at least three recorded children: Shiho (4), Heita (likely male), and Hatsu (8).
Shiho continue the family. She and her husband had four children recorded (and more out of frame). One of them is redacted. Sousuke is likely male. The other two are daughters, Fumi (2) and Michiko (3).
Now, strangely, instead of Fumi, it’s Michiko who continue the lineage.
Maybe Fumi is in no condition to become priestess?
I’ll assume the redacted name in 4th generation (Michiko’s sister) is probably Funi, Ani, or something like it, implying second child.
Michiko’s daughter is Mutsu (6), Kaya’s grandma, who begets Nana (7) and Mirai.
Now, the people whose names are redacted are probably the family’s eldest daughter. Maybe something screwed up and they couldn’t continue the family.
Was kaya supposed to be nana's daughter or something? Cause the line she took it from my that nana said. Maybe the cursed womb actually need the sacrifice of the sisters womb? So nana don't have a womb now or something
Third horror: Kaya's Mom has doubled the amount of heinous shit, doing heavens knows what to her born and unborn children in the process, out of spite for her sister.
I don't think the sister is the target of the spite here, it's the whole clan (they even have a relatively normal conversation in the flashback before she left). You know, for treating her the same way they treat men in this family
Was kaya supposed to be nana's daughter or something? Cause the line she took it from my that nana said. Maybe the cursed womb actually need the sacrifice of the sisters womb? So nana don't have a womb now or something
Maybe the clan just know better to not try doing another ritual within the same generation, so they consider as long as a Priestess has been born, the next chance is next generation. So Mirai took away the chance from Nana.
More accurately, it’s not that Nana is supposed to give birth to “Kaya” in strict meaning, but to the “next priestess”.
Izumi is the redacted name? Or was it mentioned in the earlier chapter?
But that would make sense, if their first daughter who is named in preparation for the ritual, somehow failed, and they have to work with the younger sister.
Was kaya supposed to be nana's daughter or something? Cause the line she took it from my that nana said. Maybe the cursed womb actually need the sacrifice of the sisters womb? So nana don't have a womb now or something
No, the inheritor could be anyone. It's just that all the previous psychics before Nana (which includes Nana's now-dead mom Mutsu) have been ambitious women hell-bent on making sure the family power would remain in THEIR lineage. So previously they have all used the cursed womb spell on themselves. In Nana's case it seems she doesn't share the ambition and in any case was "beaten" to marriage by Kaya's mom.
so what I’m thinking all the first born get possessed by the soul of the priestess, and once anew heir is spawned the soul is passed, however the former inheritors still have their own souls.
what if the 2nd soul possessed child is the acclimations of every former inheritor, all those limbs representing the individuals combined.
The idea about soul of their grand ancestor makes the grudge stronger.
Been under assumption the Ebisumori priestess somehow gained power, but they are all just “children” of an unknown being/power. Like Nana said, Kaya is herself.
But with the idea of copying the first priestess... we already see how the spectres are all dangerous. What makes them assume their venerable ancestor would be happy to protect her descendants, instead of being angry and totally pissed off about being forced with this kind of overtime even after she clocked out of this world.
[Edit] Checked the later raw chapter. Probably different.
I'm so confused. So each first daughter of the lineage is a priestess? Like Nana's mom is a first born and Mitsu's mom would also be firstborn. Or can any daughter be a priestess? Isn't Nana the second daughter, so the power went to her instead of Mirai which may have earned her special treatment? But I guess if it's a ritual, you can technically do it with any daughter, regardless of whether they're firstborn or not, just like murai did to current pregnancy.
Okay, so now we know for sure that Kaya's mom is not a carefree woman who got tired of the psychic crap and went to have a happy commoner's life. She is something most dangerous that came from that family, trying this shady ritual with dangerous name twice in a row.
Poor Kaya.