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  • ===Tread Softly===

    Beware on your journey,
    Tread softly with care.
    Beware of the hag
    In her dark mountain lair.

    Speak only in whispers,
    Don't wander alone.
    Take heed of the shadows
    Watch out for the crone.
    She waits and she wants you.
    She knows you are there.

    Don't wander alone,
    Tread softly with care.
    It comes at night,
    You fear it but you can't escape it,
    You can only forget.
    Nah... Not my style. Just because someone hates you, doesn't mean you have to hate them back....

    An endless cycle,
    Hatred outlive the hateful.
    Resolve your grievance
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    Reactions: KATCRX
    Since doing the scanlation, I don't have time to read manga anymore... #ScanlationIsMistake.
    [Idioms] Take it all in = To absorb and comprehend or appreciate everything one is hearing, seeing, or experiencing.
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