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  • I managed to read some more pages of Vol.4 of Modern Villainess LN.

    Horse Races huh? Mixing Business and Pleasure too... Not bad not bad at all.

    I've also written some stuff. Hopefully I can upload it at this server I'm in.

    Maybe... Hopefully... If I don't get too shy on it. Ugh.

    Money Problems? Maybe. I should just work expense a new PC but it'll be hard to justify. The specs I want is... a bit much

    I'll do my daily workout routine next week. I'm just exhausted mentally X_X;;;;

    I'll keep on reading too! Yay~!
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    lol that is terrible @KATCRX but it does sound about right lol. I am a law abiding girl tho so I wouldn't want to even do that lol.

    The worst I've done is when I grabbed a twix bar in a grocery store on my way to the vending machines for a pop. I actually was planning on paying for that twix bar but then I was talking to some friends and we just.. by-passed the cashiers to go to the vending machines. I was walking home and I was checking on my pocket then I felt the chocolate bar.

    Yeah. I'm dumb.
    Admitting to illegal crimes on the internet? Smh

    I was dumb @BakedBanana shrug

    I was feeling guilty for it for a weekish. Then I tried to "subtly" paying for it by giving twice the amount one time. Apparently I can't give tips to cashiers.

    But I wasn't giving a tip @A@;;;;

    But then I can't just outright say it lol

    Dumbass me....
    I managed to read a page. Ugh.

    I want to read more.

    I need to think about getting a new PC.

    I wonder if I can use my Win10 license on a new one? Its a Pro and should be able to get to Win11 easily if I get a good spec'd new PC.

    But then that also means I'll need new Monitors (cuz the monitors area also old)



    I've just worked out a bit. Arms kinda hurt. kinda
    I'm fairly bad at updating things huh?

    I watch multiple talents tbh. FWMC is one. Ina is another. Kaela for that second monitor vibes.... Then there is Suisei-sama's music. Can't forget Bijou for her meme vibes... Too many lol. Not enough time. Then there is the JP talents too...

    I've gotten the Vol4 of Modern Villainess. Yay! Two copies. One to keep, one to read and take around. No time to read tho.

    I want to read!!!!
    first time hearing someone having two copies of a same series. do people often do that?
    @Doedoel yes. A lot, even. Some people even 3: one to use, one to keep, one to lend or to scan since a good scan will destroy the book.
    Thanks for the thoughts!

    I'm also more of a HoloFan.... due to time constraints XD

    Honestly, there isn't anything tying me down to Niji anymore (cuz they're f-wording GONE) even tho I rarely tuned in and mostly watched some VODs...


    Someone really.... really.... REALLY.... needs to stop the idiots from shooting their own foot.

    Also I heard that NijiEN is doing a live event thing... with an audience...

    That has the potential to end badly.

    I'll read when I get my new LNs!

    I'm typing this out at 7:03 AM

    Timezone differences and meetings!

    Question: Thoughts on the whole Anycolor/Kurosanji situation?

    I think it has been long enough that an objective analysis of it can be done?

    I'll be reading... the comments... hopefully... maybe....
    My thoughts are just wondering when will Niji yacht will sink.
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    No matter how successful it is this shitty ass management still exist even with EN thriving environment. What they gotta do is just feed the horny fujoshi with vox and not just cause any drama. Like just TREAT THE TALENT NORMALLY? PLS? CAN'T YOU EVEN DO THAT?

    Ohh...they can't, they retard af. One of brightest talent selen trying her hardest to connect Niji more with the world in tournament and they get in her way... What the fuck?

    Damn... Sorry for the foul word, I'm holobros but watching it unfold just pain....
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    Random thoughts.

    Vol 4 of Modern Villainess LN has been released in physical. I have two copies that will hopefully be at the bookstore when I go pick them up... Or a friend will do so?

    Poutine is tasty

    Thinking of writing stuff. How do I plan on introducing this character? It's the prologue...

    Wait... Did I have a rough draft of what I wanted to write already? I thought I did. Where did it go?????
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    I swear I did. I can remember the words that I wanted to put in it. What happen to it???? I will go looking once I get back...

    I will keep on reading tho. Can't forget that. Then I'll be reading the LN over the weekend.

    This is bothering me. I had a mini chapter on the works and I just realized that I have no idea where the rough draft for the prologue is.

    This will bother me now. Ugh
    Then after that I'll most likely write... or maybe just do some PSO2 NGS.

    I should also look into getting a new PC and just use my old PC as the stream PC.

    2 PC gang!

    ... I should also get new monitors... and get a bigger desk.... I should re-design my room if I do then....

    ... Oh god.


    Thank god no one visits me here physically.

    It's nice to just lay out some of my thoughts on a place where it won't be seen by anyone important or even be tied to other "identities" that I might have.

    Just saying, I neither confirm nor deny any connection to anyone

    On that end...

    I should exercise huh? At times I get lazy but I really should keep my health up.

    I mean, dancing lessons and practices of that sort is important and things.

    But sometimes I just want to not do anything.

    But that's also NG... I have to exercise
    Exercise is good, you should do it as it's good for you and your health. Mentally too!
    Hit the gym. Just turn off your brain and hit the gym a few times a week. Don't even think about the numbers, just make your body do something, light, heavy, doesn't matter as long as you hit the gym.
    I am practically a social recluse in RL lol. I have an elliptical machine, one weight thing, and a mat. I make do lol at home. But yeah... I should do a little bit daily nyeh?
    I got to writing again.

    I've always written tbh.

    It is always unpublished because... well... I'm quite afraid to let people see it lol

    That and I ghost write at times.

    Not that I do it professionally mind you.

    This one will be unavoidable to be seen tho...
    A certain acquaintance? Friend? I'm always bad with social stuff...

    They're doing a small indie game thing and it's making my head whirl.

    Maybe because it is set in a cyberpunk-ish world? I never really entertained that kind of setting before tbh.

    I'm intrigued honestly. So I've decided to do my usual set up when I make a story.

    I have the groundwork set up already tbh.

    I actually finished a rough random chapter as a proof of concept. Chapter: Kitsune.

    Oh well.

    I'll keep on reading... and writing.
    I might not be reading much here but I keep on reading.

    Absorbing more information and data.

    New stories, new perspectives.

    Then you get to the drama

    Oh boy.
    @Doedoel shit, you also follow that? The Grand Unifying Rrat is really something else.

    There an actual people who goes on wake up start their day and make the theory and post it on 4chan.
    There are several brewing at the background @Doedoel & @Basic_human.

    I am also aware of Kurosanji and the GUR.

    Even if it is the collective schizo postings of the rrats in /vt/, there are things brewing and... well.. a broken clock is right twice a day. If a certain place is the fort of one side, there is another for the other side.

    Then there is the increasing need for anime piracy to actually be a thing again....

    yeah, stuff.
    Then there is the increasing need for anime piracy to actually be a thing again....
    Always has been lmao

    Forever grasping at the elusive means in which one can go one step closer to "endgame" for an MMO

    heck, I know Fashion is the true endgame for this game but I'm still at that stage of trying to get to the mechanical endgame.

    I want to read. Not much to read tho.

    Maybe some trashy lemon stuff I guess.
    • meguuusad
    Reactions: MilkDrinker
    ooooo you want to spend money in a game oooooo buy the digital cosmetic oooooo
    • Funny
    Reactions: Rumor
    Ok. So thoughts....

    I'm only really waiting for Modern Villainess to update. Nothing is really tickling my brain (or even motivating me to keep track of things much...)

    Also, I'm at this moment started watching a Video.

    "top Vtubing company in the world"
    implies its Nijisanji

    Uhhh... what? Definitely "a vtubing company" but I wouldn't call it "top" in anything beyond sheer bulk.

    I'm also reading fanfiction at this point. I need to buy more LNs.
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    Reactions: BakedBanana
    I am a fan of the Hololive Talents for sure @araya_tatsuya

    Hololive as a company, so far, seems to be keeping their sanity and mind. But it is still a company.

    I am keeping in mind that FBK friend is the litmus test for it...

    As for Kurosanji as a company...

    I mean... they have a lot of Vtubers?

    As for the Talents, I can't say. I don't have time to watch.

    I'll be reading.

    Kurosanji really striking home runs after home runs lately.

    Btw, I'm a Vtuber fan. I only have time to really (barely at that) follow Holo girls but...

    They're really.. uhhhh......

    Sad times.

    Black Company indeed.
    I hadn't had time to read manga.


    Extremely unfortunate.

    I also do not feel the same drive as before to read 1:39 male ratio.


    I'll think on it

    I want to read.

    I'm still alive.

    Busy with work.

    Reading? I don't know what to read anymore. Something like Modern Villainess please?

    1:39 Male Ratio is a slog to get through. I think I hit the wall on the dumb MC.

    Still wanting to read.

    MMOs and BA is getting me tho.
    Yes, exactly that one! @Rumor

    The ending was quite rushed but...
    Elya's shenanigans in disrupting Russian command with Trotsky is really the only way they could win.

    It has the perfect mix of Economics, Politics, Strategy, Yuri, and somehow Comedy (her failing upwards to become ruler of OZEV) for me. As well as being a good plot overall.

    I think it ended when it needed to end. Someone made a Cold War one, which is still good, but it's not like the original. Too much football and spies for my tastes.
    Though the arc where she just resigns and travels the world is so goofy. At the end of the day, the government that's supposed to replace her just collapsed and she just returned with more mess on her hands, which is so Tanya

    I don't really know about my self, but I started shipping Runa with Tachinana's Daughter . It's kinda similar to the dynamic that Tanya and Visha had.
    Also for the main Tanya IP tho... Honestly I understand you. As much as she expouses the Chicago School, we really haven't seen her employ that in an economic setting. We're just treated with military strategies that she doesn't even plan.
    I am still contemplating TL.

    Little Rumor... who, to be honest, was quite too young to really be engaged on discourse with others in the internet.... still remembers reading on message groups and forums (not to mention the other methods of talking to each other back then) the discussion and work put into ensuring TLs were done on-time, accurately, and up to standards that they set.

    It was really something to witness and somewhat engage in

    I see it and i hear about the bad jobs that some of the modern TLers and what not do.... and I just remember the times little Rumor spent in front of the screen (too much in front of a monitor if I am to be honest) watching the work and reading the words that is said to get that work to be in a presentable state infront of me...

    Maybe I'm just being overly nostalgic. Maybe I'm just dumb.

    but then....

    I can't help but feel that it is a subtle attack on a medium that I hold dear to me. One that poisons the well, one drop at a time, until it dilutes throughout the entire pool in a large enough concentration that it makes you sick.

    I truly love this media. It makes me happy when there is something good going on. It makes me sad when there is something unfortunate going on. It makes me angry when there is something terrible going on.

    I get that not everyone could watch or read the medium like I do (sometimes I do pull up the raws to do spot checks on what I read). So when their only avenue is to read the Translated english infront... anything that deviates from the words being said in either a literal sense of in spirit...

    It makes me very angry.

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