Wlep the art sucks. Whenever zere is something that could just by the faintest hint, be interpreted as somewhat funny moment, the characters change to badly drawn chibi style. Honestly this ruins most of it for me and I can't decide if it's worth continueing past ch 3
Okay read a few more...
"some might be resistant to one and you have to take a couple of them" and THAT is the major problem we created with our medicine. >.<
If you have to get something, get tested what strain it is and get the right one against it. Don't bombard everything with meds and see what will stick
It's okay but it suffers from the same problem as all the others in this category: MC and friends start to just become assholes because they have power now and the author forgets half the plot hooks that were set up before
It was trash and became even trashier. So many holes, so much nonsense, so much jumping around between different things never finishing anything. the MCs character is just whatever the author feels like today.
bad writing, bad characters, no order
Started out good and cute but then turned to shit midway through. Secondary characters weren't handled well, writing just got stupid and repetitive, also the whole arc about lime disolving was so badly written I just skipped over most of it to see how it ends
Very much agreed with TL. Honestly I would just have wanted to see the end of this and the families stupid faces before I dropped it anyway. So I don't really care if there is more or not