@Sonaldo that's cool man, although I hope you already know Hunter x Hunter. The characters introduced in 'Chimera ant' arc includes Gyro, Knuckles, Shoot, Palm, are all baseball reference which the author were also a 'Major' fan at the time.
@Sonaldo the name comes from a pitching style gyroball, so as Kunigami's knuckleball shot.
I will also recommend to everyone to watch anime (or read manga) "Major", where the protagonist signature pitch is gyroball.
what on earth are you smoking @TurtleSmile ? The art is clean af! That Rin vs Shidou arguing with half of their face covered in shadow is a gorgeous drawing.
Well we got the match against the world 5 who are all adults over 20yr (except loki) and truly some of the best based on the resume. So it's should be below Kuroko or PoT in terms of power creep, but above Haikyuu for comparison. We'll see it when we got there eventually, but for now, I...