Demon eye girl is pretty cute when she’s being docile, but let’s not forget she self-inserted the raw dick of a dying pre-intelligence goblin and started a war.
Say what you want about the generic plot, what I can appreciate is this mangaka doesn’t shy away from people looking old, young, skinny, or fat.
That’s something worth respecting in my opinion.
Would be a common power move in feudal times I reckon.
You build up a protege or noble’s son then consolidate power by marrying your daughter to him.
Now you’re master of your own domain + you can tell your daughter/son in law what you want from theirs.
We’ve all had that really terrible feeling from dying with a ton of loot gone or progress unsaved.
Mc has been getting rolled for months to a year and he has the grit to keep trying — that’s wild to me
This manga gets a new arc and the people just can’t resist pulling their pants down and crapping all over the forum.
“Wahhh who are these new people wahhh omg why do I keep reading this wahhh, mommy wahhhhhh”
Meanwhile I’m looking at the fucking one piece crowd and they’re having an orgy with...