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  1. GodricKharg

    Gun-Ota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem wo Tsukucchaimashita!? - Vol. 7 Ch. 34

    @ZeroWWE At least c35 is nearly ready. assuming redraws and qc are done in lots of time, should be able to have it out in a week, two tops. hope you can hold out til then... FIGHT!
  2. GodricKharg

    Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - It's Not Okay

    @ShinGetsu @abos I’m sure by that time Nairo or the young lad will come up with the idea of posting wait times on the social media sites. Besides, if it’s something handed down, I don’t think they’ll care if it’s “dear” to them. Long as it’s recoverable. Kinme does love her cleaning so I bet...
  3. GodricKharg

    LetItGo Scans

    @LuxuStar7 We didnt drop it, however there has been a couple issues in getting it out. 1. RAWs. The current run ended at chapter 33. 2. The TLer we had, essentially dropped off the face of the 'net. I suppose we can blame him for getting a life... we all want one right? (just not...
  4. GodricKharg

    [Suggestion] Changes notification?

    Okay, so we are supposed to be using the same upload if we make modifications/changes to any chapters release, however, how does the end reader know that a chapters been changed? I suggest something that makes note of what was changed. Anything from a $wasread <= $wasuploaded with a line...
  5. GodricKharg

    Usotsuki Paradox - Vol. 10 Ch. 75.2 - Tiger's Den -fixed-

    @zhou There is one more chapter, it’s technically 75.1 and rather than hold this back waiting for it, cause that might be logical, 75.1 just seems to be a “Poetry” chapter.. walls of text for the most part on a patterned template... nothing that really w Use affect anything else. We don’t...
  6. GodricKharg

    Usotsuki Paradox - Vol. 10 Ch. 75.2 - Tiger's Den -fixed-

    I made a small oopsie in uploading, its fixed now.
  7. GodricKharg

    Gun-Ota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem wo Tsukucchaimashita!? - Vol. 6 Ch. 32

    @Wolvenworks I joined with FTH around Feb/March, my main job tho was communication with the readers on the website. You know, answering the 'when when when' questions... I think they got surprised I stuck with it so long so they promoted me on the website chat system... LOL. and yes, I felt...
  8. GodricKharg

    Youkai Shoujo - Monsuga - Vol. 13 Ch. 123 - I'm a Nurikabe Youkai!

    @Nolonar Probably means the data connection, and the translator was working from the Korean version. But yea... I have heard people use WiFi interchangeably for the data connection... I just shake my head or I’d be forever correcting them...
  9. GodricKharg

    Yuizaki-san wa Nageru! - Vol. 5 Ch. 59 - Yuizaki-san and the Medal Outcome

    @givemersspls Difference between talent for technique and hard work, while Yuizaki was new at th technique/method she still had enough talent to get those results. The coach giving that small bit of advise is plausible (if not completely believable) for a technique he pioneered/developed in...
  10. GodricKharg

    Youkai Shoujo - Monsuga

    @ABCsOfLife @VMENOVCID We actually have all the scripts to the end, the typesetter/redrawer is the current bottleneck, not to mention it takes me a little longer to QC it as we’ve got no proofreader. I’m hoping to include Youkai Shoujo this month in our anniversary celebration which means a...
  11. GodricKharg

    Youkai Shoujo - Monsuga

    @ThatOneComment Been there, done that... LOL
  12. GodricKharg

    Holy Knight - Ch. 17 - Lilith’s inerasable memories. And the evil seed in the body!

    My apologies for taking so long to upload this. Enjoy! If someone gets me a TL and RAWs for this I'll consider continuing it...
  13. GodricKharg

    Solo Leveling - Vol. 1 Ch. 77

    Oops, stuck his face in the cameras path... now certain people will know where he is.. a certain S rank in America for example... hahahah @kingopeng Looks like you/they need someone to QC for the series. A few misspelt words etc... as a reader it drives me nuts... As a fan I want more...
  14. GodricKharg

    Hare-Kon. - Vol. 17 Ch. 158 - The "Hamu"d Man

    @gomichandesu One of the beautiful things about this series is the difficulty they have working through the marriages. It's not a simple there you go, their all bonded to each other like in most Fantasy stories. Those are nice, but they lose some of the realism... and while we don't often...
  15. GodricKharg

    Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - I Should Be Appealing!!!

    @orochijes The bit about Nairo is her saying it then Kinme thinking it, so it kinda bad works there.
  16. GodricKharg

    Sayonara Mangadex, putting down our rose colored glasses.

    @Fuko Meanwhile at band camp, (the new), mangarock kissmanga and others post without regards to the Scanlator preferences or rules. And we all know they are in it for profit OVER THERE. So in the end it doesn’t really matter... @Boont Maybe not but the fact they ARE in it for the...
  17. GodricKharg


    Oh, it’s active again? Maybe I should start reading soon..😎🙃
  18. GodricKharg

    Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - I Should Be Appealing!!!

    @RecycledCabbage That hat is gonna be the source of some trouble I think... lol