Hey this chapter did give some positive traits for the family.
-Dads got a bit of a douchey attitude, but he still a skill fighter and matches his sons personality to a tee.
-Mom not a doormat, but a more superior strong woman, but still loves her family all the same.
I wouldn't mind seeing...
@Filuth Looks like he works at a toy shop , probably a manager or supervisor.
Makes so much sense considering Seki was a whiz at entertaining with toys. After all , he won his wife over with them.
Oh hey its that one friend who only interested in girls and makes fun of the male MC
Its been a while. We became so many mangas with bros and wingmans , I didn't realize you were gone
@alacaelum Yeah, I would agree
the way the dad describes it , I think he didn't have the privacy to go to town with his wife , with his son around. 23 years must have got to him and well...
If nothing else, we can see he does love his wife very much. Not only physically but affectionately