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  1. Iceblade20

    Necromance - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - The Road We Walk Together

    I do hope self publishing becomes more a prospective choice moving forward. You can really tell this author wanted to give it all but because of required sales , he wouldn't meet the serialization goal. I hope necromance still lives on though. Rooting for you mangaka-san.
  2. Iceblade20

    Orenchi no Maid-san - Vol. 7 Ch. 69

    Rino is truly one of a kind
  3. Iceblade20

    Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge - Vol. 12 Ch. 124

    Isn't November famous for Thanksgiving?
  4. Iceblade20

    Ase to Sekken - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - Let's Take a Look!

    Break out that Johnny Walker , boi . You earned that sale
  5. Iceblade20

    Tales of Life's Victories - Ch. 11 - Smile is The Best Seasoning

    I hope she becomes a recurring character. I like her personality
  6. Iceblade20

    Tales of Life's Victories - Ch. 10 - The Feeling that People Call as Jealousy

    When not just go to the blood drive or a clinic. I'm pretty sure the police dont want vampire roaming , freaking people out. Also doctors would probably understand your hunger.
  7. Iceblade20

    Neko no Otera no Chion-san - Vol. 7 Ch. 54 - Cats, Kotatsu and Chion

    Cat on roomba "Deja Vu Instensfies"
  8. Iceblade20

    It's So Obvious, Onigoroshi-san! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Wasn't this picked up a while back?
  9. Iceblade20

    Shoki Skill ga Benri Sugite Isekai Seikatsu ga Tanoshisugiru! - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    I love how the king himself is pissed off, scratching his hand in anger. "The ruler of your nation is gonna lay the hammer on you , foolish nobel"
  10. Iceblade20

    Orenchi no Maid-san - Vol. 7 Ch. 68

    Oh make this manga.
  11. Iceblade20

    Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 63

    Black Company should be exterminated for good.... Its for the safety of all working adults.
  12. Iceblade20

    My Clueless First Friend - Vol. 5 Ch. 60

    This boy is blazing!!! GIVE HIM A ROUND OF APPLAUSE!!!!
  13. Iceblade20

    Nanba MG5 - Vol. 13 Ch. 108 - Tokkoufuku is successful…? you can do so much better. Both you and your alter ego can do way..waaaaay better.
  14. Iceblade20


    I love how the exes are two different perspective that hit home the troubles with relationships. Ones entitled to have her partner know everything she wants regardless of the sentiment he gives in his own way. The other is expectation on how a partner should and act, making them feel like a...
  15. Iceblade20

    Oh, Our General Myao - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - In which Myao purges too much

    That's it...Khan is officially the best character.
  16. Iceblade20

    Shin Cooking Master Boy! - Vol. 11 Ch. 87 - Mesmerising Dunhuang

    Shan...oh this is gonna be good