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  1. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 76 - Seto-kun and the Golden Azazel

    @SmokeWagon Seto did ask her on a date, though.
  2. ejohn

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Vol. 7 Ch. 125

    Sometimes I want to a book as well.
  3. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 75 - Chita-san Wants to Eat a Lot

    @Seraphus Oh, no. She's not talking about a small meal after dinner. She uses two Japanese terms for dinner. She's talking about having two full-blown dinners.
  4. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 75 - Chita-san Wants to Eat a Lot

    @kai-nagami @laurencevanq It's just the last four letters of Aputa. It's the fake name the series uses for Apita, which is a store in Japan.
  5. ejohn


    @Redice Good chance they ate the small one. The monster squid probably went into the burgs.
  6. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 73 - Boy's Meeting (Top Secret)

    @Bakaman Dudes in Japan jump on each other all the time. It's a brohug, bro.
  7. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 72 - Anjou-san and Seto-kun's Wishes

    @potatoesriceandbread Are you using MangaDex's data saver setting?
  8. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 71 - Anjou-san's Hatsumode

    @Marcari Hopefully not too long. 😓
  9. ejohn

    Hajimete Koibito ga Dekimashita (Pre-Serialization)

    @Anduril Would you call the first time you kissed your parents your "first kiss"?
  10. ejohn

    Hajimete Koibito ga Dekimashita (Pre-Serialization)

    @ICYCOZY I'm slowly working on it between other projects. If a chapter has minimal redraws, I can bang it out pretty quickly.
  11. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 71 - Anjou-san's Hatsumode

    @DarthBank @Pastekmurrr The series is biweekly, meaning it comes out every two weeks. We have raws up to the latest chapter, 83. Working on getting them out quicker.
  12. ejohn

    Itte Hoshikatta dake no Onee-san

    @nitsuki It's actually been two weeks.
  13. ejohn

    The Onee-san Who Just Wanted To Say - Ch. 18

    This is a no thot zone.
  14. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 69 - Anjou-san's Last Message of the Year

    @MahBoi17 Oh, I posted those before volume 6 dropped, so I wasn't sure what the tankoubon order was gonna be, and where special chaps would slot in. My bad.
  15. ejohn

    The Onee-san Who Just Wanted To Say - Ch. 16

    @Tlos Dense? He was just lured into a girl's home under false pretenses and now she's sprung this question on him out of nowhere. He promised that he'd keep his and Yoriko's relationship a secret from the office, so what else was he supposed to do? @zergqueen Nah, that's not smart, in my...
  16. ejohn

    The Onee-san Who Just Wanted To Say - Ch. 14

    @Petnavis I don't think this "broken promise" stuff really applies here. This is just some random twitter manga that the author decided to flesh out after it had a good response.
  17. ejohn

    The Onee-san Who Just Wanted To Say - Ch. 14

    @Petnavis Bro, what story have you been reading? The first three chapters were her fucking up and being sad/anxious afterwards.
  18. ejohn

    Teasing Master Takagi-san - Vol. 16 Ch. 136 - Vision Contest

    @CKT0304 I'm gonna need some dressing with that delicious word salad, mate.
  19. ejohn

    Teasing Master Takagi-san - Vol. 16 Ch. 136 - Vision Contest

    @pitpat How would you have handled it?
  20. ejohn

    Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 6 Ch. 68 - Cleaning With Anjou-san

    @bitfarb Could be one of those Nu-Bra things. They're kinda popular in Japan right now.