Have you thought about adding a link for wikipedia entries?
Example: The wikipedia entry for & by OKAZAKI Mari is &
You can make it general because there are wikipedias for other languages as well.
568 was scanlated on 6/6 and uploaded on 7/8. Martial Scans has done all the scanlating. So, I'm wondering why all the other in between chapters haven't be uploaded yet.
I just now edited a manga replacing the novel image with the novel adaption image and added a link to the official RAW. It would be nice to have a comment box for why I did that. The box would also need to be empty every time you go in to do an edit unless the consecutive edits are within...
That's exactly what I'm suggesting, but for the updated manga pages. Just look at mangadex/updates and you'll see what I mean.
Though it would be nice for the forums as well.
At the moment you have at the bottom of the update page double right (<<) and left arrows (>>) meaning "go to page one" and "go to last page." I.e. << 1 2 3 >>
My suggestion is to add single arrows (< and >) to allow "go to next page" and "go to previous page." When on page one, the previous...
Regarding bookmarks. I don't use the site bookmarks. I use the search engine bookmarks (Firefox). What I do is add a date in front of the title. Example: 20200821 MangaDex Manga That way if a site goes down for some reason, I still have all the bookmarks so I can transfer the titles to the...
Did a quick Google Translate on certain pages. There's no obscenities anywhere. Also, on page 15, the French bread is an addition by the scanlator. It doesn't show on the original. I have added the raw link, so you can see for yourself.
Did a quick Google Translate on certain pages. There's no obscenities anywhere. Also, on page 15, the French bread is an addition by the scanlator. It doesn't show on the original. I have added the raw link, so you can see for yourself.
This manga was so similar to Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni shimashita that I thought I'd already read it.
It has a Solo Leveling feel to me. But, it seems that people are already forming opinions based on four chapters. That's sad. Let's wait and see. I'd rather form an opinion after reading a dozen chapters. Then that usually shows where the manhua (or manga, or manhwa, or whatever else) is going.
Rule states: Last chapter should be set to the final full chapter's number or the final chapter as marked by the publisher if possible.
To me, this rule is completely ambiguous as I will explain below in the P.P.S.
My suggestion is to modify this rule slightly. I believe the end icon should...
Add The Doujinshi & Manga Lexicon to external links. There are many doujinshi and others that can be found here. (This is NOT a reading site.)
There's only one down side: Each volume of a series has its own link.
P.S. I suggested this before, but I can't find the post because there is no...