OOHH! i guess they didn't change anything about the last "arc", and the pacing still not as good as the manga. If only they strech the manga more and give some more depth to the enemies. But man, Tomori look more lovely here than in the anime
That's too stupid to happen considering how those girl being depicted can't be interpreted as goofing around at all. But if it does then we know how low the author IQ (or should I say EQ since the problem lies in what we interpret it and what the author want to convey?).
OOHHH, 4 chapters in one day! Thanks for the translation.
Tho i kinda dissapointed they didn't show Wiene revival reaction, was kinda hoping for a different perspective from the main series
hey hey, you damned mangaka, how dare you put these girls pictures while they themself not in the volume. I was expecting to see them in this first volume.
either way, the artist sure know how to make fluff art
saran nih, coba pas pake bahasa yang puitis, coba dibaca dalam hati, biar bisa kerasa apa pemilihan kalimatnya bertele-tele atau engga. Soalnya auto-correct dari otak gua keras banget pas baca TL tim lu wkwkkw
Kalo gua pribadi sih ga masalah mau pake kata-kata yang puitis, tapi kalo kalimatnya...
I've been thinking how this guy managed to get accepted as a teacher there...
I mean, the head staff in that school isn't that fond of hearing there's any bulllying in there, so i'm sure the head staff won't accept any teacher that have even a small connection to bullying in the past. Unless the...