while the lack of gun in the food scene might cause issues, im more wondering about how they bypassed the revelation of another student tried to kill him
at the very least I read it, and found it to be helpful. i had assumed that the classification was based on a combination of how dangerous it was and how hard it was to contain, so learning about the box test helped explain a few things.
unless the assassin is evil or something, this quest seems poorly balanced. MC has barely done anything besides walk behind Mr. Stabby while Mr. Stabby goes on a stabbing spree.
I mean, what was stopping this guy from doing all of this on his own with his pointy knives and magic ring? Sure...
have to agree with @bhagad, within a single night your daughter assaulted two people and stopped a train, almost killing herself in the process. Given her track record with injuring herself and others, 70 million will go a long way towards keeping her out of a jail/mental institution.
@ColonelPabs254 yes, military time uses the full 24 hours, but thats time, not directions. I've never heard of anybody using a system that has 13 o'clock for directions.
wrong person, your thinking of Mei Hatsume from the Department of Support, similar job but different person.
yes, noticed that too, kinda annoying but at least we aren't losing anything major.