Wonder if the temple head is vastly underestimating how much mana she can shit out and is trying to tire her out as some form of punishment.
Or I’m overthinking it.
This is expected healer behaviour.
If someone dies: Were they standing in a bad place that everyone else knows was bad, and perhaps repeatedly?
Yes = Their fault. (This is not specifically a DPS fault since Tanks and Healers can fail this too.)
No = Healer's fault.
Exception is if tank isn't...
There's not much to say about this chapter other than it's a good filler.
I still want to see the Empress foaming at the mouth or gossip from everyone else attending. Also more politics, whether it be intrigue, drama, or new connections.
Who wants to bet the empress had a hand in increasing the music tempo to ruin the dance?
(Probably not, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was that petty)
Wow, I expected the Crown Prince to be stupid till the end, but he has common sense to not become obsessed. This makes me hate him less, but now i'm afraid he might actually make smart moves against Lombardi instead of being a dumb blunt instrument.