Must be a pretty big place.
Also, this sure is a long opening expository sequence... Not that it's not interesting, but I hope something actually happens soon.
Omfg! xD He just takes off that little mask and suddenly the guy can't identify him at all!? He's wearing the same outfit, has the same hair-style, the same skin color and build! 🤣
Something tells me the novelist didn't exactly have this in mind when he was writing the story (not that I've read...
Shame, it had some potential (not sure what the obsession with puking was though) but someone apparently axed it before it got almost anywhere. The final chapter wasn't awful, but there should have been more.
It occurs to me, isn't it odd to have someone who everyone thinks tried to commit suicide by jumping out a window stay in a high room with a window they can fit through?
"Mating only with the guardians"
I noticed that too. What's up with that? (I mean, other than a Japanese protag trying to avoid having sex (despite the setting...))
Hm, both girls he mated with who didn't get chokers were masturbators. Could it be he needs to break the hymen himself to make the...
@Velsy True, I'm sure a fatass crying out would cause incredible aggro from the zombies. Like a wounded animal crying out, alerting predators of easy, fat prey.
Interesting. In the Manhua, Everlasting God of Sword (I didn't make the name, don't blame me for the mediocre name xD), Moon-Breaking has a somewhat different meaning.
They're literally hunting in the wild and this guy's being a picky bitch about just eating werewolves. Jfc man, it's not like she's trying to make you eat bugs.
:O... That may be literally the most unromantic sentence I have ever seen. (Conversely I imagine some people would not find it...