Epilog- Wait what?! It's gonna end like this!?
... I hoped for this read to be worthwhile, but the FMC... I've ended up hating her. I know she's off the loop, but still..!
Oh, okay, there's a season 2. Thank lord...
Putting your name and the scans' there isn't an issue at all, many do it and it's not really intrusive.
Either way, the translation is appreciated. Take your time
OUR GIRL IS GROWING EMOTIONS! Yeeeees! She's maturing and finally seeing all that she's working for!
So far, I could only see her growing old without really any friends, or people she considered as such. But FINALLY there's a change in her view of what surrounds her. This is great!
For a MC that has been locked inside another dimension for 100Million years... He does seem pretty cheerful and childish. I expected something since he showed signs of breaking inside the other dimension, but once he came back... He's pretty much the same personality wise, which is a bummer.
@Aeriandra We don't know much about the other timeline, perhaps he had to make sure that Uri became the successor to keep Lamia from some kind of danger