The goal dosen't justify the means... Not even for mad scientist... Like a rabid dog he got put down.. Quite spectacularly.. And a "get to the chopper" meme... It got it all
Part 1 ... I hope for some sweet vindication for Darcia and Carla in part 2 or 3 and that Angelo gets himself a master... And is it to early to ship Angelo and Darcia...? And I'm curious about the woman from Rome (Chapter 40)
Its always a good idea to broaden your horizon... And classical music can be used for the good of mankind.. .. Here a tribute to Keith Flint by the kaleidoscope orchestra
Ohh ... The homemade shirt that you never asked for.. I got one or two from my grandmother... Luckily she had common sense and was capable of color coordination... And stopped after my 6 year birthday
She and Amano needs to meet.... Because I think (hope) that Yukino will be a friend that is better suited to understanding them... Or I could be way of and Amono has gotten a rival with potential... I need a new chapter by yesterday...