Yes, Granny is probably not very aware of how labor law works in 202X, and long as she's got room and full board and she can be with Su chan, it's probably fine by her.
i know it's just a cute slice of life manga in the mysterious and wonderfull Kagai and shouldn't bother about the real sick...
I hated this arc as much as i liked the manga and now i'm stuck with forever trust issues toward Kase-san because the author showed how retarded he can make her act for the sake of the plot
well well here we are kids, the serie'' jumped the shark'', that's a pity, the rest of the manga was really good but this is just cheap shocking matterial for the sake of cheap emotional reactions , it just took two chapter to ruin it all
I hope that i'm wrong, but i predict that he's not really evil but totally spineless but the ''other'' women would be the biggest cliché of homewrecker seduising away husband from a wife who didn't cared enough and let him being ''snatched''
still odd to me how '' having a dream'' is a common saying in manga, i don't really have a dream i have goals, targets or purposes, dreams are too unrealistic ( ie, dreams
You know that in japan, the family of the victim has to pay a huge fine to the train compagny if "this" happens?
And even with it ( and the social stigma if "they are bothering hard working people with his death they should be ashamed ) i doesn't keep people from doing it.