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  1. malu

    Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House - Vol. 22 Ch. 238 - A Mother's Worries

    Yes, Granny is probably not very aware of how labor law works in 202X, and long as she's got room and full board and she can be with Su chan, it's probably fine by her. i know it's just a cute slice of life manga in the mysterious and wonderfull Kagai and shouldn't bother about the real sick...
  2. malu

    Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House - Vol. 22 Ch. 238 - A Mother's Worries

    and i'm still wondering if kiyo is getting paid at some point.
  3. malu

    Kimi ni Aisarete Itakatta - Vol. 6 Ch. 40 - Childhood Friend

    Well well weel, seems like he wasn't lying about being popular with girls, having a lot of former gf and done it many times, what a twist
  4. malu

    Raise wa Tanin ga Ii - Vol. 8 Ch. 35 - You Are Life [1]

    Remember kids, this is Infatuation, learn the difference, it could save your life
  5. malu

    Yamada and Kase-san. - Ch. 34 - Fukami and Kase-san (part 3)

    I hated this arc as much as i liked the manga and now i'm stuck with forever trust issues toward Kase-san because the author showed how retarded he can make her act for the sake of the plot
  6. malu

    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 34 - Parting Ways

    well well here we are kids, the serie'' jumped the shark'', that's a pity, the rest of the manga was really good but this is just cheap shocking matterial for the sake of cheap emotional reactions , it just took two chapter to ruin it all
  7. malu

    4-punkan no Marigold - Vol. 3 Ch. 24

    don't act surprised, you knew it was gonna happend, manga is only 27 chapter long
  8. malu

    Konaide Kounotori - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Missing Piece

    I hope that i'm wrong, but i predict that he's not really evil but totally spineless but the ''other'' women would be the biggest cliché of homewrecker seduising away husband from a wife who didn't cared enough and let him being ''snatched''
  9. malu

    Anata ga Shitekurenakute mo - Ch. 78

    happiest ending would be two divorce, honestly, please set yourselves free, guys !
  10. malu

    Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Aspiration: Male Idol Part 2

    still odd to me how '' having a dream'' is a common saying in manga, i don't really have a dream i have goals, targets or purposes, dreams are too unrealistic ( ie, dreams
  11. malu

    Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Aspiration: Male Idol Part 1

    this song goes hard, love from japan i bet this dude is gonna end up as a Host
  12. malu

    Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Aspiration: Male Idol Part 1

    i hope the vice principal don't have sex with underage students, haven't you read sensitive boy ?
  13. malu

    Muta no Aru Seikatsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - cooking war

    can't she just call the cops on her ex ?
  14. malu

    Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 17 Ch. 152 - Open Land

    That mean Oshimi will have all the free time in the world now that both his series are ( almost) over ?
  15. malu

    Skip and Loafer - Vol. 10 Ch. 54 - Heart-thumping Ocean, Pt. 4

    Actually i'd rather have a Mukai focus, dude been here since chapter one and we barely know anything about him compared to the rest of the cast.
  16. malu

    Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Aspiration: Train Engineer Part 1

    You know that in japan, the family of the victim has to pay a huge fine to the train compagny if "this" happens? And even with it ( and the social stigma if "they are bothering hard working people with his death they should be ashamed ) i doesn't keep people from doing it.
  17. malu

    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Self-aware, and at the same time...

    and yet, here you are, like us all.
  18. malu

    Shepherd House Hotel - Vol. 3 Ch. 9 - Break Away

    admit it, you are here because you saw the manga on mangamogura's twitter account, aren't you ?
  19. malu

    Trap Hole - Ch. 6

    If men in relationship smells like fabric softner, does it means that single men smell like cheap detergent and uncared laundry ?
  20. malu

    Dungeon Meshi - Vol. 14 Ch. 96 - Falin IV

    buckles up kids, last chapter will be out in the next issue and i'm really not ready for this i'm looking forward the animé en january tho