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  1. chaanime

    Sora & Haena! - Ch. 8 - This is My Secret Hangout

    I kind of figured she liked her but this is OH NO.......
  2. chaanime

    Sora & Haena! - Ch. 1

    sora lied so easily 😂
  3. chaanime

    All of You - Ch. 26 - Getting A Room Together

  4. chaanime

    Kono Kyoushi, Zettai Wazato. - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    I really like her cause she never really gets super butthurt but one she will in fact crack and have breakdown....whats he gonna do then????
  5. chaanime

    Kitto Aishite Shimau n da. - Vol. 4 Ch. 16 - Alike

    her ex is lame. he lost out cause ayumu is such a good girl they are sooooooo sweet together @orange_lover77 agreed! I want a small confrontation to occur
  6. chaanime

    Green Apple Paradise - Ch. 41

    sorry girl, you started to like the wrong person
  7. chaanime

    Green Apple Paradise - Ch. 40

  8. chaanime

    Gunjou no Subete - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Absolutely adorable
  9. chaanime

    Hibi Chouchou - Vol. 7 Ch. 44

    I think aya is happy for her, but also has been watching over her all her like..she is like a Bestfriend/parent so of course she wants to make sure siren doesn't get hurt. But I think Aya also knows when to back off so I think she's pretty level headed. She chose to stand up for her when...
  10. chaanime

    Hibi Chouchou - Vol. 4 Ch. 25

    the ghost : " I am jealous" 😭
  11. chaanime

    Hibi Chouchou - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    she tried to stick it through the bush to give to him😭
  12. chaanime

    Haru to Arashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    so cute thank you!
  13. chaanime

    Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryo Joshi - Vol. 3 Ch. 26

    he was so cold because he was nervous haha I love this
  14. chaanime

    Sunadokei - Vol. 6 Ch. 12 - Winter, 18 years old: The first star

    another website has the rest but its so good, I love this manga a lot
  15. chaanime

    My Ex-Boyfriends Fell in Love With Me - Ch. 34

    he clearly doesn't like her yet she is acting crazy, and that's another reason why she will lose. And my girl needs to realize she can still be nice while standing up for herself.
  16. chaanime

    Go, Hiromi Go! - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    I really want to see what will happen between Hideki and Hiromi and goro ahaha. I see both possibilities
  17. chaanime

    Go, Hiromi Go! - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    thank you
  18. chaanime

    Go, Hiromi Go! - Vol. 2 Ch. 8.2

    thank you! I definitely see something happening with goro and her but it will take some developing. And im interested to see what will happen with her and Hideki..... that young boy likes her too. HAHA she has her hands full