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  1. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 112 - The journey to get a fix

    "Catcafe Next Town Over" Nobel's amazing ability to create perfect brands continues.
  2. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 111 - Unsatisfied need

    Nyamazon is probably ths biggest cat supply retailer on Earth.
  3. Me

    Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o - Ch. 83 - Amber (2)

    Poor Sherry. She's not even ill-equipped, she's just always next to someone incredible.
  4. Me

    An Angel's Love At First Sight - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    True story, Robo Maid is how I found this author. And a few cute oneshots and a dorky thing about an italian roomie later, I'm in here being warned about the horrors waiting for an unsuspecting reader.
  5. Me

    An Angel's Love At First Sight - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

    Okay, I need someone to tell me right now what Hamita works to avoid, because I found this looking for more of his silly cuddly romance shit and now I know he has a reputation ENTIRELY at odds with the stuff I've read.
  6. Me

    An Angel's Love At First Sight - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    Fortunately, they are in a setting where God definitely exists and takes action. Miracles happen.
  7. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 107 - Zero lives remaining

    In fairness Toda made a terrible first impression due to that telepathy, and Nakano was an idiot.
  8. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 106 - Not a Jizo Statue

    He's just "Seriously? I'm right here."
  9. Me

    An Angel's Love At First Sight - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    God is calling our man into His office so He can be "Bro. She digs you. Stop being so friggin' dense."
  10. Me

    Choukadou Girls - Vol. 5 Ch. 45 - Supreme!! Gohdaiger

    Well, this seems to be drawing a lot from Combattler V, so they might not even have a sword. (It is also drawing a good bit from Godmars if I'm not mistaken, which DOES have a sword.) But if they do, then by all means! FORM BLAZING SWORD!
  11. Me

    Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai - Vol. 8 Ch. 40.1

    Oh, he totally got scammed. By Mei. They chopped out most of the negotiations, which largely consisted of Mei completely respeccing the ship to her preference under the guise of "suggestions" and "advice". But she's got his back. No one else gets to play him like that. He's getting a pretty...
  12. Me

    Ruri Dragon - Ch. 9 - As Normal As Possible

    And boy, did she find them!
  13. Me

    An Angel's Love At First Sight - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    Bring back Robo-maid! Less yandere crises, more tsundere maids!
  14. Me

    An Angel's Love At First Sight - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    I clearly read the wrong parts of his body of work. BRING BACK THE TSUNDERE ROBO-MAID!
  15. Me

    An Angel's Love At First Sight - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

    Hold up a sec! I came here for cute awkward romance! I ain't ready for homicidal yandere angel!
  16. Me

    Choukadou Girls - Vol. 5 Ch. 44 - Gohdaiger and the Five Comrades

    I like the way you're thinking. I just don't know if Nona or Bellnoa gets to go "I'll form the head". Bellnoa has the team leader vibes, but Nona is best girl, I mean the lead(DP is best girl)
  17. Me

    Ruri Dragon - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - To Play Hard

    It doesn't. Wireless anti-static bands are a real scam that's quite prolific.
  18. Me

    Ruri Dragon - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - To Play Hard

    Ruri-mama, you're awesome, but that bracelet ain't got no ground. It is a fashion accessory and your daughter's about to show you the power of Thor.
  19. Me

    Isekai Kuimetsu no Same - Ch. 33

    Bold of you to assume Sa-me's leaving you a choice.
  20. Me

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi

    "My kouhai at work is tiny and cute."