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  1. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 165 - Doggo

    They sometimes decide to do a pre-emptive starting of things. And this is why I have had to deal with... umm... retired cats... several times. Invading the neighbor dog's territory and daring her to do something about it is NOT a good survival strategy! Cats are all idiots. This is how I used...
  2. Me

    Sentouin, Hakenshimasu! - Vol. 10 Ch. 55 - After The War, what's next?

    I actually love that the "Somy" treatment is the organization taping a new name over the old logo.
  3. Me

    Choukadou Girls - Vol. 6 Ch. 57 - Admiration is Above Everything

    Which they got from Larry Niven, like... well, a bunch of stuff in Halo, including the titular ring-like megastructures. I'm not saying they ripped Niven off wholesale(they definitely put their own spin on most of it), but I am saying they took a LOT of inspiration from the Known Space setting.
  4. Me

    Deatte Hitotsuki de Zecchou Jorei! - Vol. 5 Ch. 43

    She's a total bro-con. And proud of it. Man, dude's got a double-tsundere harem. He has made mistakes.
  5. Me

    Deatte Hitotsuki de Zecchou Jorei! - Vol. 5 Ch. 43

    Maybe she just figures it'll traumatize Souya more than her. Or... ugh... that these feelings are normal and nothing to be ashamed of?
  6. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 139 - That's the rule, see?

    "You are touching my fiance inappropriately. And also you can hurt a cat by holding it wrong. Please be aware."
  7. Me

    Kawaii Joushi wo Komarasetai - Vol. 7 Ch. 87

    She is going to watch ALL OF NETFLIX!
  8. Me

    Atarashii Kimi e - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - Echo Point

    Yeah, but that's just an excuse, and not even a good one. The real point is that they want to shake the money tree and see what falls out. Everyone thinks fan translations is their paying job these days. Just a buncha worthless panhandlers.
  9. Me

    The Long Summer of August 31 - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - The August 31 Sure to Come (2)

    It ain't right. Just 'cause the ghost ain't gettin' none don't mean it needs to cockblock everyone!
  10. Me

    Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusenmochi Datta node, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei toshite Jiyuu ni Ikitai - Vol. 8 Ch. 40.2

    It But it is also a problem if your ship fails due to lack of maintenance. And part of Krishna's performance is because our man drives like a lunatic, so the "operational data" is basically worthless.
  11. Me

    Choukadou Girls - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - Thank You for Playing

    Though you may never meet your opponent, you could tell what kind of man they were by those three letters. My area had a lot of ASS men.
  12. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 129 - Full of dreams

    She's only skipping the annoying ones.
  13. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 123 - Self-interest

    He's a simple man with simple interests. He just wants to stroke that fuzzy kitty.
  14. Me

    Drunk Lady Warrior Belle. - Ch. 11 - Belle, a mercenary lady who has regained her sense of shame.

    More like this is why you SHOULD drink. This chick's awesome when she's plastered.
  15. Me

    Getsuyoubi no Tawawa - Vol. 11 Ch. 96 - Maegami-chan, Part 22

    "Wait... How much did you hear?" Flustered Maegami is a rare treasure.
  16. Me

    Choukadou Girls - Vol. 5 Ch. 48 - To Eternity O' Gohdaiger

    Almost certainly. He's even imitating the anniversary logo while he says it. (I was coming here to say the same.) Farewell, Himeka. We'll miss you.
  17. Me

    Neko no Te datte Yaku ni Tatsu - Ch. 121 - Real form

    Glad I'm not the only one that read it as bakaneko.
  18. Me

    April Fool's Collection 2024 - Ch. 267 - Tonikaku Kawaii - SUS

    Frig, it's THAT time of year again. 'Scuse me while I unplug the modem for a day.