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  1. Bahlskra

    Kin no Tamago - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - A Serious Newcomer Appears

    Thank for picking up this series dude and great job on the translation
  2. Bahlskra

    Oni no Youna LoveCome - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The Red Oni

    I'm surprised that this manga started recently, the art look so old. Nice first chapter
  3. Bahlskra

    Doushite Watashi ga Bijutsuka ni!?

    @p106 : I like the manga a lot, but I like how much you are involved into the project much more. It's nice to see someone who isn't just releasing chapters like it's a job. It's like with the team translating Yuru Camp, you can feel the passion.
  4. Bahlskra

    Mitsuboshi Colors - Vol. 5 Ch. 39 - Special Move!

    I didn't get any of the jokes, but I still like it
  5. Bahlskra

    Request to be added to the "Contributor" role

    I request this role !
  6. Bahlskra


    Without you I would never had discovered Munko works, thanks a lot
  7. Bahlskra

    Mattaku Saikin no Tantei to Kitara

    Happy to see it back, I love this mangaka, thanks !