I like the chapter progress bar too.
Also, everything is working now. Either I had a transient issue, or something has been changed that fixed it for me.
@plykiya. Seamonkey 2.49.4
Uses gecko for the rendering engine, so basically equivalent to Firefox 52 ESR.
Mostly, I just dislike the completely opaque nature of the error. Though my primary browser suddenly choking on a frequently-used site when I got home from work was an unwelcome surprise.
Yesterday: New reader is a little bloated, but can be trimmed down to a decent experience with just a few check boxes.
Today: "Something went wrong. Your browser may be unsupported." Basically nothing on the entire site works anymore. Including this, I had to change browsers to complain.
God, neorasp, why are you still defending that garbage? It was a shitty babelfished mess of nonsense, you don't have to go out of your way to prop it up. Much less sit here denigrating the actual translation by calling it "late" at every turn.