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  1. aej

    Histogram of the ratings to see the actual distribution instead of just the average :implemented:

    I've already suggested this on a comment to another post here ( in passing. Basically I'm suggesting what mangaupdates already implements on their website: The image shows a histogram as it is implemented on mangaupdates (i.e. a chart where we can see what...
  2. aej

    Release and/or scan forecast

    This is a great idea.
  3. aej

    Garden in Bloom Through Prism

    The artstyle is great
  4. aej

    Kilroy Was Here - Oneshot

    holy fuck that last page was awesome
  5. aej

    New features: 2 factor authentication and more genres added

    Great work! I don't think I've ever seen any project that was this active in adding awesome features/implementing requests.
  6. aej

    Love is Still Too Early for Himeno-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    I thought this was dropped since the last update was 2 months ago, so thank you for continuing this series.
  7. aej

    Tonari no Furi-san ga Tonikaku Kowai - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Thank you for this
  8. aej

    Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - Yugami-kun's been Thinking

    thanks for the scanlations as always
  9. aej

    Proposal for a more accurate rating averages

    Mangaupdates does exactly this. They primarily use the Bayesian rating, but they also include the 'true' Average rating. But what I love the most is that they include a histogram of the ratings, so you can see how many people rated 10, 9, 8, etc. It would be awesome if you could also implement this!
  10. aej

    Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Eraser

    for context
  11. aej

    The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses

    This has the same ambience as Takagi-san
  12. aej

    Ghost Beside Him - Ch. 2

  13. aej

    The Daily Lives of Us Siblings - Vol. 1 Ch. 19 - Cockroach(2)

    This manga is basically a taxonomy of all brother-sister relationships
  14. aej

    Mieru Ko-chan (pixiv) - Ch. 4.5

    wow this was surprisingly wholesome
  15. aej

    YanOta: The Delinquent and the Otaku - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

  16. aej

    A Crossdressing Cosplayer Gets a Brother - Ch. 1.2 - Part 2

    can someone translate the French parts for the lazy?
  17. aej

    Living With a Spirit

    i need more of this