I'll give my respect for not having an everyone wins cop-out finish. Also for sticking to his seemingly intended ending and not being swayed by popularity polls.
This was a sprint to the finish if I've ever seen one. A shame. It started alright, but the numerous plot holes, inconsistencies, and what seemed like the author changing the story a few times drove the entire thing into a wall for me.
I came across this in the recent updates list and decided to binge. The number of plot holes and inconsistencies throughout this is staggering.
However, I may be committed until the end at this point.
The fact that the Yuu is even entertaining Marionetter's story is baffling. M argues that Raito is trying to force Yuu's partner choice while trying to force him themselves by means of manipulating girls against their will and knowledge from the shadows. He also spins it that Raito needs Yuu...
@FredFriendly I salute your efforts. I'm committed to seeing it to the end, provided I don't accidentally kill myself while bashing my head on my desk after reading a chapter.
She really couldn't recognize his voice just because she wasn't wearing her glasses? That's stretching it for a plot point.
Don't get me wrong, it didn't ruin the chapter for me.
I lost the ability to care from the moment the guy forced his way into MC's bag uninvited and caused a scene simply because he saw a store name he knew. Absurd beyond my suspension of disbelief.
A shame, it was a decent read up until then. I'm not really surprised, though. Manga seem to be...
Nat-chan best grill.
But the writing is already on the wall. Main guy and girl will inevitably hook up and Team Nat-chan is being strung along holding on to that tiny bit of fleeting hope. Such is the romcom model.
I'm more shocked that no one here is pointing out how much of the dick the guy was for forcibly opening another persons bag.
And to MC's point, she probably would never have noticed him had they not bumped into each other and swapped books. That's just a probable fact.
But it's also neither...
It is his fault alone. Like he said, he was an adult at that point. He saw her playing the online game and voluntarily started playing it himself and got hooked by himself. Pointing the finger at someone else is running away from responsibility.
I like how it kind of gave the feeling that'd he'd lose the cook-off because of his high confidence, like Li Si Si's abomination was actually delicious. Made it seem like the trope was going to play out but then he just won like he should have.
@sylvacoer Well, she did happily think to herself that she wanted to have a nighttime stroll with him. So she holds him in some regard... but for how long? *dun dun dun*