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  1. Sharkexpert12

    Pulseless Girlfriend - Ch. 2

    People here are saying she has took much baggage and she's to heavy. But let's all be honest with ourselves you would hit it if she let you.
  2. Sharkexpert12

    Yuri Ninshin - Vol. 4 Ch. 4 - Marriage In Paradise

    Is it just me or did they go for reasonable breast size to blimps.
  3. Sharkexpert12

    Netsuzou Trap - NTR

    @CucarachaEnojada The mental gymnastics on display here are absolutely amazeing. If you did even the smallest bit of research on the sub genere youd find that 2 of the biggest mangas in yuri have a 100% hetero guy go out or have sex with the main character. The whole lets make the guys gay...