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  1. S

    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 17 Ch. 225 - The Final Move

    4 years and 225 chapters for the most middling, underwhelming, milquetoast, "bringing it back around at the end" final chapter possible No kiss No hug This is some bullshit With how spicy Yamamoto was getting with the side couple I fooled myself into thinking we would get SOME form of affection...
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    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 133 - I'm Stuck in the Middle

    You sure came up with an entire different character called Moeko in your head
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    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 133 - I'm Stuck in the Middle

    Can somebody explain to me what the hell is going on? Mitch, help me out here
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    Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! - Vol. 24 Ch. 216.5 - Volume 24 Extras

    For five minutes... Could you two please not get sick or injured? FOR FIVE MINUTES
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    Girls' Last Tour - Vol. 5 Ch. 32 - Art

    This one got me teary eyed
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    Nemuro-kun wa Kao ga Ii! - Ch. 5

    My guess is that someone once told him that he has a girly face and now he is self-concious about it
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    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 132 - Our Night Is Drawing to a Close

    Man,for a bi-weekly 11 pages feels very short Half the chapter was just spent on Nyaa's POV of the last two chapters This will always be preferable to the author getting killed by their work, but still
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    SPY×FAMILY - Ch. 89

    Yuri×Nightfall stocks at an all-time low Also I am genuinely not sure if the author wants me to think Yuri is funny or if he is the worst character in the manga
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    Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Vol. 20 Ch. 177 - Summer Festival

    Huh The "END" blue thingie is gone Is that normal?
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    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 131 - I Didn't Bring It

    When Ichi gave her the money back, he might have also given her the condom accidentally
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    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 131 - I Didn't Bring It

    Oh God, the cringe I didn't read this chapter, I crawled trough it with whatever strength remained
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    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 13 Ch. 97

    A very fun chapter that helped wash my mouth from the last streak of duds
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    Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Vol. 20 Ch. 177 - Summer Festival

    6 years ago, I installed Mangarock just so i could read this manga (and also Nagatoro, I guess), this i how I got into manga, and also How I almost completely stopped watching anime It's crazy to think that it's over.
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    Isekai Izakaya "Nobu" - Vol. 13 Ch. 80 - Stuffed Eggplant

    You're thinking of capitalism
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    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 10 Ch. 130 - I Went to the Beach

    Something tells me they are gonna pull the "totally-not-a-lesbian-jealousy" with Nyaa