Search results

  1. rdn

    Cant Import Bookmarks, Request Entity Too large

    @Zeuo I upped the limit to 3000, try again
  2. rdn

    Cant Import Bookmarks, Request Entity Too large

    @Zeuo Weird.. I just quadrupled the max. request size the other day, just how large is your bookmark list? I've quadrupled the maximum again. Please try and see if it works now. Thanks!
  3. rdn

    After network error not able to get next chapter :planned:

    @Barclayss Thanks for reporting! We are aware of this and will soon address this with a reader update. Can't really say when tho.
  4. rdn

    The site has received a major update on backend code. Please report any bugs that you notice!

    @CoolOtamegane It was just a display bug. The order of the text blocks that were parsed by the bbcode parser were mixed up. No group descriptions were affected at any time ?
  5. rdn

    Completed tag

    @score38 we're planning a revamped search page in the future, that gives a lot more options to search for. Searching by completion status will be one of the new features.
  6. rdn

    Completed tag

    There is a Status field for manga. If the end tag is present and the status is not set to Completed, it would be best to report it that it can be updated by staff. The fully translated doesnt work, as they depend on different groups/languages and are therefore meaningless.
  7. rdn

    Minor bug: URL loses helpful descriptive title when I change my current reading status

    @ununseti Thanks for reporting. I'll add it to the list, but it won't be prioritized any time soon.
  8. rdn

    Scanlation Group Description/Comments

    @momojojo Thanks for reporting. This has been fixed and will be rolled out very soon.
  9. rdn

    Edit Groupe Page bug

    @RicHykkie The fix should be rolled out very soon.
  10. rdn

    Spoilers bug

    @ImmortalDao Thanks for reporting. Will be fixed with the next update.
  11. rdn

    The site has received a major update on backend code. Please report any bugs that you notice!

    @zooi @Quills @shikon0 Thanks for reporting! Those bugs are fixed and the changes will be rolled out very soon. @Houmiii could be because of the special characters in the name. This works: @Outback Just tested it myself, and it works...
  12. rdn

    latest chapter sort update bug (per new major update)

    @dustydog97 The sorting is restored. The Detailed view having broken page links is a known bug. In the meantime use any of the other view modes located here:
  13. rdn

    latest chapter sort update bug (per new major update)

    @dustydog97 thanks for reporting. will get fixed asap
  14. rdn

    Automatically update your MyAnimeList

    @glagan that looks nice! Havent red the code thoroughly so I dont know if this applies, but make sure to not put the follow updates in a loop, otherwise people might get banned by the floodcheck-script when it exceeds a certain amount of requests. I imagine that could happen if myanimelist...
  15. rdn

    New search bug (alt titles need advanced search to be taken into account)

    @RicHykkie yea, that is expected and is because of weird behaviour when it comes to certain characters in the url. I can't really think of any fix, other than reworking the way the quick search function passes search terms to the server. We'll address that soon, a related bug has already been...
  16. rdn


  17. rdn


  18. rdn

    Forum Suggested Features: Megathread

    @Qelix Looks like it got more rejected than planned :x @tathra Which stats are you talking about? This one is currently used to display the last 10 chapters you visited in the language you visited them with.
  19. rdn

    How enable notifications for new chapters?

    @Derkik not at the moment. I'd recomment marking the last chapter as read so you can better keep track of where you are, a batch-chapter marking will be released soon
  20. rdn

    [Sugesstion] Strict searches and searching with description

    @kn1000a we plan to rework the search engine eventually, then these sorts of search queries will be possible. The current way search is handled doesn't allow for these kinds of queries unfortunately. Planned, but might take a while.