Search results

  1. rdn

    Sort latest chapters based on language :planned:

    @ttcc that is a known bug and will (hopefully) be fixed coming friday
  2. rdn

    Sort by number of chapters

    @higher87 The search will be reworked in the near future, then more search options will be available.
  3. rdn

    Title search includes title search without genre keywords

    I'd rather namespace them. "titlename tag:isekai" or something
  4. rdn

    Forum @mention notification link page number off by 1 error

    @firefish5000 thanks for reporting! We'll investigate. the whitespace bug is known, just not that high in priority right now.
  5. rdn

    Hiding blocked users

    @axim359 blocked comment rows now have a .post-blocked class to make it easier for your filters.
  6. rdn

    Chapter loading bug

    @kuro47 the reader behaviour on broken images will be improved in the near future. In the meantime, you can go to the reader settings, check the "show advanced settings" checkbox at the top and select one of the two image servers that gives you the most reliable connection. Or temporarily switch...
  7. rdn

    Hiding blocked users

    The reason I kept the small blocked box is because it gets confusing when you read through a comment chain and people reply to blocked user's messages. But I suppose I could add a css class to the box to make at least adblock blocking easier.
  8. rdn

    "read" chapters sometimes completely gone from followed manga? :not a bug:

    @kronix did you change the read status? maybe by accident?
  9. rdn

    Visible thread with zero posts

    @orsova thanks for reporting. These orphaned threads sometimes happen, when a group gets deleted. We'll fix this in the future, but it isnt prioritized at the present time. cheers
  10. rdn

    Search and delayed Updates

    @monkey123 It is on our todo list, unfortunately other issues have a higher priority right now. We'll let you know as soon as we have a solution!
  11. rdn

    Followed series disappearing when there is a release delay :fixed:

    @momojojo the way i fixed the missing frontpage entry is, that i put it on a 10 minute cronjob, that updates any chapters that came out of the delay period. There is currently no other alternative, no "event" system, other than maybe increasing the frequency of the cronjob. I don't think its...
  12. rdn

    Followed series disappearing when there is a release delay :fixed:

    @momojojo we just rolled out a fix for this. can you try again and let us know if this is now fixed?
  13. rdn

    [OCD] Can we at least have the username in comment sections be centered vertically from the picture so it doesn't look THAT ugly?

    @kronix 32 characters is the current username limit. We're in the process of updating the design slightly to better accommodate long usernames. Even more so with an eventual forum/comment redesign.
  14. rdn

    Export my manga list in simple way? (.csv .txt etc)

    @ventisca which format is it in? where is it from? We'd like to offer more import formats for sure
  15. rdn

    Autocomplete + Suggested @'s

    @MooPoint this is definitely on our todo list and when we have some technical matters sorted out in the near future, we'll implement it into the forum.
  16. rdn

    Grammarly incompatible with format buttons

    @firefish5000 We'll see if there is a better solution than adding code to the site, that only keeps a specific browser extension from misbehaving.
  17. rdn

    Followed series disappearing when there is a release delay :fixed:

    Seems like a bug, we'll check it out. Thanks for reporting!
  18. rdn

    Inbox Conversation History crashed - There is a limit to how many messages one page can handle in the Message Thread/Conversation History

    @Grindstone just for clarification: do the 10 newest or the 10 oldest messages have problems appearing?
  19. rdn

    State of the MangaDex #3: New Staff, Vision for the Future!

    @Ceiye I suppose you could, the technical work and the experience you gather is pretty much the same, regardless of what kind of site it is.