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  1. shadowbringer


    @Invader_Retro >She knows what she is doing is wrong and even got innocent people involved willingly even though she knows its messed up. Correct. >Denial and running away from reality heavy right now The reality she's facing is that either she makes more comrades, or her "friends" will have to...
  2. shadowbringer


    @Invader_Retro I think she's still not crazy, instead, what made her follow through with creating more "comrades" was (to me, at least) her choice to not let her smaller group of "friends" suffer because of her (see what they would seemingly have to do -- risk themselves and her mother taking...
  3. shadowbringer


    @pihip It's also worth mentioning that wasps belong to the Hymenoptera order.
  4. shadowbringer


    Guide them, Oshie-chan~ Good to see Himeno standing up for her friends' sake; at first I thought it would be better if she just explained her motives to the head researcher (Yasuomi), but her testimony could get her arrested instead (but then, she just gave them confirmation that she is the wasp...
  5. shadowbringer


    @Bored_Pray Ever wondered why does Spider-man not generate webs the way spiders do? :) @codydub03 Apparently, the normal police in chapter 2 did indeed not find anything. The one doing parallel investigation might've encountered similar cases before, hence the similar death pattern, and might've...
  6. shadowbringer


    @KZO Short lifespan and makes a small amount of workers that (supposedly) don't make more workers. Just thinking about this means that Nagisa ultimately saved Himeno's life. Himeno and her bulli-- er, friends, probably thought that turning the rest of bullies into comrades would help them cover...
  7. shadowbringer


    Could someone please correct the tags? This isn't a shounen. Edit: Thank you!
  8. shadowbringer


    @Turkeyjerkey the fluid (air) viscosity itself doesn't increase when a body is shrunk to a millimeter scale, the surface-to-mass ratio does, and so does the shear stress that both body and fluid exert on each other. From the perspective of the small body, it would suffer a greater resistance to...
  9. shadowbringer


    >Wasp themed manga This is going to be interesting.
  10. shadowbringer

    Hanebado! - Vol. 7 Ch. 35 - No One Knows

    Page 30
  11. shadowbringer

    Hanebado! - Vol. 7 Ch. 34 - Starting Now

    Elena made Ayano play badminton again, now it's her turn. @HOOfan_1 Ayano manipulating Elena into buying rackets. Look at the shiny background and Ayano thinking to herself, instead of saying it.
  12. shadowbringer

    Keijo!!!!!!!! - Vol. 17 Ch. 167 - Impatience!!!!

    @Nolonar In a way, she is: roaches are tough, have adapted to a great variety of environments, can survive on scarce resources, often explore their environment for food, and are seen as common insects, matching Nozomi's poor environment and starting point, extraversion, and contrasting with her...
  13. shadowbringer

    Keijo!!!!!!!! - Vol. 17 Ch. 167 - Impatience!!!!

    Thank you for the chapter! @deathsu Swimsuit more than 80% damaged, chapter 126. @Me there's no weapon, it's static electricity.
  14. shadowbringer

    I, the Female Robot - Vol. 2 Ch. 115 - Princess, The Child of God

    >GoC 03 is sent on a mission >12 hours later it returns to the ship we're about to know what exactly happened while 03 was away; maybe the one who returned wasn't even the GoC 03, but Executor 03?
  15. shadowbringer

    I, the Female Robot - Vol. 2 Ch. 114 - Question

    It's interesting that the MC is almost neutral; she (not Executor 03) isn't part of the human defense forces, nor is she part of the robot armies; it could be an interesting possibility if she does win against the present-time boss and Ka'More, and have to lead the robots' defense against the...
  16. shadowbringer

    I, the Female Robot - Vol. 2 Ch. 113 - The Paper Box Freak!

    It also makes sense that Sasha didn't include the time-travelling boss in her plans, we and her got outplayed. Not sure if letting future boss become sentient is worth the risk of him regaining his previous personality.
  17. shadowbringer

    Killing Bites - Vol. 9 Ch. 41 - Because Nunupi is With Me!

    @Balgenrit tigers are often stronger, heavier, can stand on two paws and attack with two paws as well, male lions however can afford to take more damage and push the fight longer (so at times the tiger quits the fight) because they are social animals and don't need to be in peak form to eat...
  18. shadowbringer

    I, the Female Robot - Vol. 2 Ch. 112 - A True Nemesis

    Or if the enemy is somehow thrown into the mine depths (which isn't a suitable environment for it), or 02 and Qiqi can extract energy from the mine and use it, for example.
  19. shadowbringer

    Mima of the Forest - Vol. 1 Ch. 40 - Season 1 Epilogue

    Some thoughts: Thank you for this arc!