Wrong, in third position comes "Takumi getting saved by a squirrel against the EK9". And don't even try going for fourth place, there's already "Takumi getting saved by a pile of fallen leaves against the SW20".
Don't know much about Vipers, but his video about the E30 M3 was an abomination of inaccuracies, errors and straight up falsehoods. That long, stupid, uneducated, off-topic introduction about the Bf-109 made me want to delete the entire channel.
I really can't understand why they went so far with the bodywork but still refused to improve on the engine, especially when it's the area where the improvements would be the easiest and most effective. Electronic management of the fuel injection and ignition would already do wonders.
Oh shut up with that "in 2024". DiCaprio is out there dating women who weren't even born to see his movies at his prime, and no one's brandishing the pitchforks. And 30-something men dating and marrying women 17 years their junior is very far from rare these days. Touch grass.
Your message reads a lot differently after noticing your username and avatar.
Agreed. Don't like this idiot one bit, and I'm tired of his constant sperging out.
I'm kinda agreeing with that person's rants, though having never watched any streamer I don't share his bitterness. But yes even though our capitalist economy is rife with unethical practices, I have a peculiar disdain for any streamer who brags about the donations they receive. Weird to have a...
"Without saying these words, they can't move forward"... Does the narrator think Musubu would've gotten in the bath if she had no feelings for Sagami ?