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  1. cranscape

    Sankakkei no Kowashi-kata - Vol. 3 Ch. 12.5 - Volume 3 Extra Chapter

    They are more necessary for rural communities than the average big city dweller. Tho even in the city you might have a job that makes owning a car more convenient. They don't get you with the car price. You pay a lot for parking and the renting limitations because you need to be taking parking...
  2. cranscape

    Sugar Girl Drip - Ch. 4 - Wishlist

    While I'm seeing pink flags flying everywhere I'm still hoping the MC shows some growth too. It's less noticeable because she's girl bossing her way through her own trauma, but going through the wish process with another girl might help her open up for real too. Right now she's still hiding...
  3. cranscape

    Fugue Across Worlds - Vol. 2 Ch. 22

    I just read everything here the last few days. Excited for more!
  4. cranscape

    Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord - Vol. 5 Ch. 28

    It it seems like graduations are a routine enough way for fans, media, everyone to end things cleanly or why do they do them? Her leaving as she did abruptly without one earlier seemed to expose her to the kind of speculation idol paparazzi feast on. Closing things off the traditional way should...
  5. cranscape

    Her Mountain, Her Ocean - Vol. 2 Ch. 39 - National Day

    The way she puts a chair in front of her door to sleep makes me think she has some history guiding that even if it didn’t go anywhere.
  6. cranscape

    Curves of Her and Me - Ch. 3

    So she did write that note (if that was her handwriting squints) but it should have been on a different desk perhaps? The desk of an actual clingy person with pink hair?
  7. cranscape

    Sugar Girl Drip - Ch. 2 - The Scream Towards Freedom

    The audience was getting bored with the prior content so maybe they just found the new twist entertaining. It’s unclear how in trouble she be with those types of witnesses if it was streaming. She could have made a bunch of fans.
  8. cranscape

    I Wouldn't Mind Being Loved - Ch. 6 - I Wouldn't Mind Snooping Around

    Either everyone is fired or everyone is keeping this secret.
  9. cranscape

    Bakajo 26-ji - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Ok fine. I've been sucked in.
  10. cranscape

    My Sister's Best Friend, My Lover. - Vol. 4 Ch. 21

    One of the best for me. Looking forward to the extra chapter.
  11. cranscape

    Clandestine Affair - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - I Will Not Let Go

    It’s seems like he married her to check it off the list. She was the right social status to marry and put on a shelf. The women he actually goes after for fun are ones he wouldn’t marry. In both situations it’s commodities he gets to control.
  12. cranscape

    Sherbet Above the Sea of Fog - Ch. 16 - The Girl & The Cat

    She was driven mad prior to the ship. So far the ship has been a breath of clarity. There is no societal pressure anymore, the ship gave her a girlfriend, she got to have a well earned ugly cry, and at least what’s trying to kill her now can be talked to to some extent.
  13. cranscape

    The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Ch. 87 - The Beginning

    I don’t think it’s that deep. The music industry has latched onto its popularity sure, but it’s also categorized and understood as yuri and Japanese fans want the romance as much as anyone. The publisher promotes articles about the romance part and they won an award as a couple even as a special...
  14. cranscape

    The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Ch. 87 - The Beginning

    I think they have only seen her partially in cool mode. They mentioned she looked cool at their study session where she was kind of half done up in casual wear but still in her glasses and acting normal Koga. Then they saw the piercing holes. But they never saw it all together in her natural...
  15. cranscape

    The Plain Girl Sitting Next to Me - Ch. 41 - That isn't the smile

    I’m not that interested in the sister and friend backstory. I tried rereading it all together and it didn’t help. Prayer circle this passes quickly.
  16. cranscape

    Curves of Her and Me - Ch. 2

    She hasn’t even had a chance to be clingy tho. Who wrote that? A staticky undergarment?
  17. cranscape

    Unaware His Majesty Is a Girl - Vol. 2 Ch. 23 - Hearts Are Bonded through the Plucking of Grass

    I feel like if there were anyone qualified to help her continue her ruse as a "male" Emperor, fake a child someday, and do this long con for the next fifty years it's her very own wife at this point. She'd have an excel spreadsheet and powerpoint presentation ready by that afternoon.
  18. cranscape

    Genkai OL to Joshi Daisei ga 〇〇 Suru Hanashi - Ch. 8.4

    At least with short chapters the misunderstandings don't last long.
  19. cranscape

    Genkai OL to Joshi Daisei ga 〇〇 Suru Hanashi - Ch. 8.3

    Aw, I swear the coworker is just talking up her senpai because she knows this is the girl she likes. Maybe I'm reading into that. Either way Kana is wanting to prove herself so much she overshoots the goal into a full on roast. So painful.
  20. cranscape

    Tomoko & Mitsuki - Ch. 13

    Look who's back from the dead.