As excited as I am that she's getting back into the fold, I can't deny I'm worried about someone who tore their ACL not once but twice picking up sports again.
this whole manga experience is like watching two trains colliding head on in slow motion.
the whole first bit is when the two locomotives collide and explode in a magnificent display of fiery destruction.
now this upcoming arc is watching what happens to all the passenger cars in the ensuing...
To copy what someone else said, it's all good if you don't see any point in continuing the story, but if this manga dies prematurely we will never know what the future of this story holds, and I for one do NOT want that to happen.
Honestly screw this mage society, if I were Will I'd have fucked off somewhere else and let them all deal with that disaster a couple chapters ago all by themselves.
and yea seeing how the status quo surrounding Will refuses to change every time he breaks the mold is really frustrating, it...