I think it's a great ending – Kayo has learned that winning isn't everything and that she can build her own happiness out of good relationships with the people around her, while Junko has walked into a pit of vipers that represent a far greater threat to her than Kayo ever did. Her punishment...
That's some truly dire typesetting.
Stay consistent with your fonts, unless the original is using two fonts – then match what it's doing
Don't let words wrap. Better to make subtle adjustments to the font size or to let the text overflow a little.
we've all been burned before so I'm not saying this won't turn into a 300 chapter rent-a-girlfriend dipshit festival but i think we can allow for a chapter or two of having a comic beat like this even for mangas that will wrap up their romance plot in a tidy two volumes...
I stopped reading this about 170 chapters ago, but I thought I would check in on the forums to see how things are going. It sounds like I have not missed anything.
I think it's pretty outrageous to compare this to transphobia just because it looks exactly like how trans people are portrayed by transphobic cartoonists in the western world. It should be obvious to everybody that this is not supposed to be a trans representation because it's not representing...
L, G, B, T, Q and + all at once? Amazing.
I'm a trans woman and he's eggy as fuck and living in a society where it's a lot more terrifying to approach transition and a lot fewer online spaces to explore those feelings.