Senpai isn't the smarstest, is it? There's no normal way a guy/girl would feel at ease with just being friends with the one they like. It even gets worse when they get a relationship or is flirting with someone. Just watch poor Maki-senpai
@themoobz it's a common trope. The couple trapped in a log cabin while rainning or in abasement without keys, but one of them already naked? That's new
@unknownfactor It looks like Nakano The First sealed the monster. So, if he dies, the seal would break and the calamity can roam free again. I mean, I doubt the fox would just curse his friend's entire bloodline for lols
@Petnavis @dextersTomato He probably had a family with Jasko 2 or with an unnamed random girl later on. I mean, he was supposed to be famous, he was young and she treated Senko more like a daughter or pet fox