This was so stupid and painful to read. To be honest I'm still reading just for the sake of completion or at least till it eventually goes to hiatus, the scanlations drop it or it get axed
@Panino at this point it's implied uncle went insane and over obsessed himself with his old video games as escapism just to bear the constant hate, beating, hunger and thirst everytime thing went sour. It's a miracle he didn't went edgelord.
Oh! so it's stated that by now it's pretty common for her to stay over. Did they sleep together like last chapter or he gets to sleep on the floor?
...Akutsu you fucking idi*t, dude got worried for nothing
Holy shit. My dude is on the offensive lately. They finally broke the ice and now they're aware of their own feelings.
Don't back out my guy keep pushing, you're halfway there