Using lightning magic on the brain to alter memories...reminds me of the MC doing that in another series Tsuihou Bokensha no Yarinaoshi ~Yousei-kai de Kitae Naoshite Jibun no Ibasho wo Tsukuru~ Outcast Adventurer's Second Chance ~Training in the Fairy World to Forge a Place to Belong~
This is how she extorts her employers: if she isn't drunk, she doesn't work, so she gets hired while drunk, and when they're already in the middle of their trip/journey, she sobers up and demands more booze to function.
I see... she was trying to encourage him to study by claiming she wanted to go to a better school than him by doing well on the exam, so he has to at least do as well as she does. 🤓
Things I want to see Yuuji try:
Using Sky Tearing Divine Thunder with a high-leveled elemental slime(s).
Using Sky Tearing Divine Thunder with that dagger/short sword of Kesis/Keshis.