I mean he’s a nice guy but oml he’s just here to annoy the both of them and push their relationship forward. I hope he gets some character development and mellows out a bit
2 suspicious glances from iklies now hmmmmm
And i don’t really like these slave master tropes; there’s an uncomfortable power dynamic that’s perpetuated by the rigid social classes in noble society at the time; and slaves are almost always fucking miserable if you take away all the rose-colored...
First off, gyuri (bun girl) is a bitch
Second, please bomi seonhee literally said she would rather the two of you get together and you still managed to mess it up. This is gonna damage her friendship with seonhee and jaemin more than if she just would’ve accepted jaemin but ig this is how the...
she’s definitely not as mature compared to athy and ezekiel but that’s normal for a child her age. I hope she doesn’t begin to resent athy ;;
Oh no if it’s the girl who looks like dani I will be extremely upset because our bby needs to make some genuine female friends besides dani but it’s probably her since that girl, the 4 kings and dani are probably the only ones who know her #
Anyways author give yeoryeong some good female...
This was an absolute terror to read. The trauma, pain, horror and beauty of humanity really shines through. It ended so abruptly, but I don’t think there could be a more appropriate end to better display the themes and characters.
Dude that’s kinda really fucked up
Kinda hoped it’d be more about the couple from the previous chapter and their shenanigans cause that was adorable but Mark’s hot so I’ll let it slide for now
I am seething with rage and misery oh my god fucking prince fuck you fuck you fuck you leave shuli and her family and everyone else alone stopppppppppppppp
oof i feel like something bad's going to happen to da-ae's sister because of that sunbae (did u see that sus panel last chapter) and da-ae will be right and aaaaaaaaa
Lucas needs to fix his attitude though I’d expect this kind of arrogance due to him being a talented wizard coddled by everyone
I get ezekiel’s feelings but I wish he didn’t word it like that; Jeanette just wants a family and he just told her that she isn’t his priority in a very harsh manner...
Haha just your average sellout who made a terrible decision and chose short-term exposure/cash over quality, reputation and audience connection
People are so dumb wtf the show’s going to plummet with her as a lead and it’ll be a waste of production