Well I said memes but it was more of a simple fanart, and only one (I swear there were more). Couldn't even find it translated... :haa:
Either way, here:
Mango Mask 1 and 2 recruiting potential 3rd member
Thanks for the translation!
I've seen a couple of memes about Mango Mask Mk.2, thought they were just memes, turns out it was about this chapter...
Ganbare, Bocchi! Show Kita's mom you're a worthy girlfriend for her daughter!
Diver's character design looks like classic traitor. Appears to be a chill guy, not particularly focused on deception, is actually the calculating cold-blooded mastermind.
Kyou starts liking Anna (or realizes it) in Ch. 14, pretty explicitly.
On her side it's a little less clear, but biggest signs are Ch. 27 and Ch. 30. Probably gets hit by the feels in 27 and confirms it in 30.
Other changes aren't relevant enough that I want to look into it.
Man's finally hitting the growth spurt
He won't be an eternal shorty (unlike Bayashiko)
I guess we'll eventually get a chapter about them being the same height (kinda like in FMA maybe?)
Not only that, but K Manga, specifically, is only available in the US. Those of us who live elsewhere will have to either wait for local publishers, use VPN... or piracy.