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  1. Tromend

    Tatoe Todokanu Ito da to Shite mo - Vol. 7 Ch. 33

    I love how this is going. He was never in love with her, huh? I guess that makes sense, considering the moment their "Relationship" started and developed was during her darkest time, and, guess who was ALWAYS looking at her? Yup, UTA. She knew her brother wasn't in love with Kaoru, but she also...
  2. Tromend

    Darwin's Game - Vol. 21 Ch. 84

    @Zhou Actually, it is rather in character. If there is one thing that's been super consistent since the start of the manga is Kaname's utter despite towards the GM. So him wanting to beat the shit out of the GM's pawn and then get the GM's location to beat the shit out of him too is super...
  3. Tromend

    Twins in Agony - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    @afkeroge They're the translator, it's their prerogative to do whatever the F they want. You don't like it? Go take a walk, they're not doing it for money, they're not doing it specifically for you, so... Frick off? At least be grateful its even being translated to english by SOMEONE, because...
  4. Tromend

    Under One Roof Today - Ch. 6

    Considering how the author keeps talking about this being autobiographic and that kon-san apparently is fully aware of all this, I'd say she gave the a-okay, which is hilarious, mind you.
  5. Tromend

    Semelparous - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    @Airwave2k2 Only real explanation I can think of is, if you're not good enough to do get a clean hit on one of the kaijuus, you just end up dead. If you are good enough, you inevitably figure out the truth, and, if you are good enough, you've killed enough kaijuus to realize you're a mass...
  6. Tromend

    Darwin's Game - Vol. 21 Ch. 82 - game#82

    Eeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... Called it! Lol, to think it was exactly like I thought is kinda hilarious. Although time does run slightly slower than I thought, I was expecting a 10+ year gap. Oh well.
  7. Tromend

    Princess of the Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - A Clump of Desire for Self-Approval

    @pizza @Serenata @Yunefia Yeah it was page 4. Those fucking bubbles are the worst shit ever, I work with PS, because that's the only thing I know how to work with (And I lack a tablet, so I can't hand draw shit, it's all mouse and keyboard). Also, I COULD've done the copy paste thing, I didn't...
  8. Tromend

    Princess of the Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - A Clump of Desire for Self-Approval

    @Lynkaster HAHAHAHAhahahahahahahaha...ha...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.... NO. Although to be fair, there was something even worse, so yeah.... Also, for those confused. The girls got to school late and had to write a letter of apology for doing so, which apparently sends you to a fucking...
  9. Tromend

    Princess of the Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Naked Company

    @KZO NOPE, it doesn't. That's the beauty of this situation, lol.
  10. Tromend

    Princess of the Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Naked Company

    Author Knows what we came here for...
  11. Tromend

    Princess of the Princess - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The Obligatory Pool

    @Serenata It's just Sarara in both her swimsuit (right eye) and tennis outfit (left eye). Leveling the Raws makes it a little bit harder to pinpoint, but If I don't the blacks are too too grey for my liking... It's a weird thing, because the originals are like that, since this is a webmanga.
  12. Tromend

    Minamoto-kun Monogatari - Vol. 14 Ch. 305 - A Bad Girl

    Its nice getting the whole thing Translated regularly. On a random side note: So THAT'S the name for the discord user with #0001. The more you know, I guess.
  13. Tromend

    YuruYuri - Vol. 17 Ch. 131 - The World's Troubles Are Mostly All From Lack Of Sleep

    Nah, it's been foretold that the Akkarin~~ Harem ending is a fact.
  14. Tromend

    Minamoto-kun Monogatari - Vol. 14 Ch. 298 - Stuttering

    This author really knows how to capture erotic tension... It feels like reading a goddam erotic novel, even though its not even R18+
  15. Tromend

    Solo Leveling - Vol. 1 Ch. 104

    @AriesBro he was talking about the potion that saved the mom. That one is only for curses, illnesses or things akin to those, which his mom had. the other potions are health potions, but they don't work on people below 10% HP which I believe was pointed out in a previous chapter that jin-woo had...
  16. Tromend

    Solo Leveling - Vol. 1 Ch. 104

    @tigerstar186 That potion is only for Illnesses, curses or the like, not to recover stamina and heal wounds, which is what Hae-in is in desperate need of right now, since the potions don't work, he has to rely on a healer, which only Myung bun-guk is around right now.
  17. Tromend

    Ani no Yome to Kurashite Imasu. - Vol. 8 Ch. 71 - Diary 71

    TL;DR of comment section this chapter: > Please don't kill our ship T-T > Fuck yurifags yurifagging everything, because they can't stop themselves from being yurifags. Yurifag. > Dude what the fuck? I mean I do like it and hope it happens but---- > Shut up Yurifag. It's sad seeing that people...
  18. Tromend

    D.Gray-man - Ch. 235 - Saying Goodbye to A.W - Red and the Dog

    @Mangalicious Nah, most likely it was killed by the damage it suffered when it fought Cosimo. Probably internal bleeding, or something with the brain. Those are some silent fucking killers after all... and a Good Boi can't talk... sadly...
  19. Tromend

    Tatoe Todokanu Ito da to Shite mo - Vol. 6 Ch. 28

    That credits page was so fucking accurate....
  20. Tromend

    Tamen de Gushi - Ch. 199

    @TheGoodFella @AsuraRaza @pharoahmutt The author has done this a couple of times in the past. These are time-skip chapters, showing us the future of their relationship. To put it simply, the author wanted to do some festive chapters (Usually around Christmas and new years, valentine as well)...