@pandascepter dunno, but this type manga scattered all over on danbooru, but as you can see no one post them here, maybe bcs it no longer worth to translate
@StarfallScratch the group that working on the series might has drop it (dunno)
if want to try scanlate here the raw (it's completed at vol.4 which is still nowhere to found)
oh boy, how many years again from the last time i'm touch a computer?
but, if you use windows, open your folder> ctrl+A or drag pointer to select all file>right click>create zip>done
so learning a bit won't hurt right? even though it'll never enter my brain. my question is : what is hash on drm? is it some kind of key?
like image above, i can download the file but i can't open it. do i need to insert the hash? (if it involving a PC, i give up). thx.
you should grateful with inspect tool that available only on PC, while i only can afford low res by using phone.
if you insist try ssl tool like wireshark or something to get DB url, which is the only problem you have to know DB index file list
@Xaelath kalo mau bantu yo monggo, ane cm butuh kuota aja, ga perlu setup donasi, toh bajakan juga, mangakanya kasian
besok yang mau baca, ga bakal ane reuplod, cuma ch ini aja di edit, biar ga kena scrap bot lagi