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  1. Suben

    Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - River Clearing Star - Delphinus

    @Tcof I wouldn't think anything of it. The way Magari and her friend interact feels similar in style to the way Fujiyama and her friends would interact with each other. Kani's just a lot like Miyoshi from that series. I would say one of them will hook up with Ukegawa but I'm going to assume that...
  2. Suben

    Buzzy Noise - Vol. 4 Ch. 32

    Stuff like this is what really hooked me on the series. Seeing the actual nitty gritty of what being a musician is like -- dealing with management, how to distribute your music, how to get yourself known, the actual business and hustle aspect of it -- is something that tends not to come up as...
  3. Suben

    Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Noto Glare - Arcturus

    I do wonder if Kurashiki is meant to be the same nurse from Fujiyama-san. Same name, design and personality.
  4. Suben

    Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Morning star - Venus

    As far as the chapters go, some times things can be changed around between the serialized version and the collected version. Bino mentioned how she moved later chapters into volume 1 of JoshiMuda just to have most of the characters introduced by the end for instance. My guess is that Ojiro...
  5. Suben

    Buzzy Noise - Vol. 3 Ch. 31

    I mean it's Kiyosumi's own fault considering he maybe should've told her how thankful he was earlier. But he'll find her and tell her properly anyway of course; this is a young adult hipster romance/coming of age story after all.
  6. Suben

    Buzzy Noise - Vol. 3 Ch. 30

    @sleepyknight They haven't been living together for a while. She tries to bring up something nostalgic in regard to their earlier recordings and Kiyosumi just no sells it, says it wasn't good and that they can do better with "us four" so for Ushio it feels like she's the odd person out...
  7. Suben


    Are these omake even canon? Either way the Pumpkin Nights are my favorite Warriors gang.
  8. Suben

    Buzzy Noise - Vol. 3 Ch. 27

    @azuremirage There's actually an official playlist on Spotify that the author runs of stuff he listens to while working. It might not be quite the same but it's a start; just search for Buzzy Noise and it'll come up. That said I personally imagine something like indie idol group SAKA-SAMA...
  9. Suben


    @Kanami-chan Hokazono actually found out about the translation on his own a few months back after he saw non-Japanese girls cosplaying Naoko and got curious as to how they were aware of the series.
  10. Suben

    Plinivs - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Palatinus

    I'm a bit surprised that it's showing Nero being a little more sympathetic towards Octavia considering from the sources we have he pretty much hated her guts. But Octavia's life has always been kind of a fascination for me because of how utterly tragic it is; the kind of thing that itself (with...