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    Dungeon Meshi - Vol. 9 Ch. 59 - Succubus, Part II

    @InfiniteVerisimilitude i mean previous chp they talk about prepare milk, so i tought its regular succubi
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    Dungeon Meshi - Vol. 9 Ch. 59 - Succubus, Part II

    what the?? succubus = mosquito?
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    High School Inari Tamamo-chan! - Vol. 4 Ch. 49

    N-nani?! gyar-NUBIS???
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    Ragna Crimson - Vol. 5 Ch. 23 - 8th of March 17:20 ~ 9th of March 04:20

    @orochijes @toila13 not really, crimson said they only won't use it this time since ragna still wounded and can't fully unleash his aura
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    The Secret Etiquette of Lady Takashima. - Vol. 2 Ch. 16

    It's been 8976309776123 years
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    Tokedase! Mizore-chan - Vol. 5 Ch. 41

    Ara ara satan confirmed
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    Pukimak proyek gabungan 2 grup pake nama ancur
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    Mamonotachi wa Katazuke Rarenai - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Fog dungeon

    So folleta using baby golem as hat accessory now?
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    Isekai Ojisan

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    Welcome to Japan, Elf-san! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Welcome to Japan, Elf-san. (2)

    @Aichan you know what? i'm done with your blind love for japan, do i hate them? no, what i hate is how most of them so proud become nationalism shit. can you imagine for 3rd generation line we all the descendant having PTSD because what war done? what fact? the fact that media has polish true...
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    Welcome to Japan, Elf-san! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Welcome to Japan, Elf-san. (2)

    @Aichan 1. sure you can search all history in internet as you want, but do you ever listen directly from the victim itselfs that what have they done to them? 2. do i have to? even big country such korea(that not communist one) still pressing apology from japan 'till now. what do you expect from...
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    Welcome to Japan, Elf-san! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Welcome to Japan, Elf-san. (2)

    @Aichan 1. really? did you know that during ww2 they do slavery in their colonies? is ww2 15th century? those nationalism shit see what imperal do in past is "as japanese you must have slave" 2. whoa gossip? my country was ex-japan colony, did they apolgize to us nor give compensation? big...
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    Welcome to Japan, Elf-san! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Welcome to Japan, Elf-san. (2)

    @Aichan 1. unless, over 90% all fiction has japan made is sexual & slavery theme? 2. no sincerely apologies for victim country nor compensation like german did to jews from goverment? 3. if so as a child you dont have obligation to apologize/give compensation for victim and not to do same sin...
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    Takayukashiki Shoujo - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @zevelworld tau kok mbah, becandaan aja soalnya mbah krenik suka ngelawak alpa beta cukold